What Every High School Student Needs To Know About the recent Changes in SAT Exam
By Srikanto Mandal
10 March, 2023
The SAT exam was developed to assess the applicants verbal, mathematics & written skills.
Students who want to apply for undergraduate programs, particularly in Canada and the United States, are required to take the SAT exam.
The SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) Exam will soon be conducted in a fully digital format.
International students will be the first to take the new digital format in spring 2023.
Domestic students will begin taking the digital SAT in spring 2024. The digital PSAT will be administered starting in fall 2023.
The digital SAT has a few differences from the traditional paper and pencil version, but the content and scoring are generally the same.
The digital test will be shorter than the paper version, particularly in the reading section.
The reading section will have more focused questions about shorter passages, and passages will be taken from a wider range of reading materials.
The math sections will be combined, and a calculator will be allowed for the entire math section.
The changes to the format of the SAT do not indicate a change in the test's rigor, and the scoring will be equivalent to the traditional 400 to 1600 scale.