Scrap Tires key Solution for EV Batteries? All you need to Know!

By Srikanto Mandal 29 Nov. 2023

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Chile-based start-up T-Phite is revolutionizing electric vehicle sustainability by transforming used tires into batteries through a process called pyrolysis.

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CEO Bernardita Diaz explains that pyrolysis subjects tires to extreme heat, breaking them down into smaller molecules, producing pyrolytic oil, steel, and carbon black.

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Carbon black, known for excellent electrical conductivity and wear resistance, is a crucial component for creating an electric pathway within batteries.

T-Phite's innovative approach addresses two issues: the proper disposal of tires and the growing demand for materials in electromobility, contributing to a circular economy.

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In the U.S., where approximately 250 million tires become scrap annually, less than half are recycled or used for tire-derived fuel, highlighting the significance of T-Phite's solution.

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Diaz emphasizes the importance of finding solutions in waste, stating that their process can extend beyond lithium-ion batteries to the next generation of electromobility, including sodium batteries.

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The Federal Highway Administration's data underscores the limited recycling of tires, emphasizing the critical role T-Phite plays in turning waste into valuable resources.

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T-Phite's process has garnered interest from potential investors, indicating a possible scale-up to an industrial level, marking a significant step towards sustainable battery production.

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Building on research from Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2014 and recent findings in 2021, T-Phite's innovation showcases the potential for tire-derived ...

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carbon to systematically improve battery performance, offering a promising solution for the future of electric vehicles.

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