Why Mumbai & Hyderabad Got the 'Tree City of the World' Tag?

By Vaskor Mondal

Hyderabad and Mumbai were recognised as "Tree City Of the World".

Tree City title given by Arbor day Foundation in association with Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

"Tree City Of the World" title given for maintaining urbangreenery.

There are nearly 138 recognised cities from 21 countries.

These 138 cities collectively planted 38787795 trees  in 2020.

Hyderabad alone has planted 350,56000 trees in the last 2 years.

While Mumbai planted 4,25,000 trees.

In India, Hyderabad is the firs't city to receive 'Tree City' recognition.

Now, Mumbai becomes the second  city to receive 'Tree City' recognition.

Hyderabad wins 'Tree City of the World' for the second consecutive time (2020, 2021).