CD-ROM stands for “compact disc read-only memory.” In 1982, the standard compact disc (CD) was introduced...

for digital audio reproduction. The computer industry adopted the standard CD, beginning in the mid-1980s.

A CD-ROM is a type of optical computer storage media. The data stored on a CD-ROM can be read-only by optical means (through a laser beam).

A low-power laser beam is used to read the digital data that has been encoded and stored in the form of tiny pits on an optical disk.

A CD-ROM disk contains a thin layer of Aluminium. The disc of a CD-ROM is made up of polycarbonate plastic.

Polycarbonate plastic is a group of thermoplastic polymers containing carbonate groups in their chemical structures. The diameter of a standard CD-ROM is 120mm.

The storage capacity of a CD-ROM is 680 megabytes. It means a single CD-ROM can store 15000016-page sheets of paper.

CD-ROM is helpful to back up confidential and vital information for future use. It is cheap at a price, easy to move, easy to use, and has a long life.

CD-ROM is helpful to back up confidential and vital information for future use. It is cheap at a price, easy to move, easy to use, and has a long life.