Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change MCQ Set-2
Q16. Which of the following is not Greenhouse Gas? [UPPCS (Pre) 2012 RAS/RTS (Pre) 1993]
[A] Carbon dioxide
[B] Methane
[C] Nitrous oxide
[D] Nitrogen
Q17. The increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the air is slowly raising the temperature of the atmosphere because it absorbs [IAS (Pre) 2012]
[A] the water vapour of the air and retains its heat
[B] the ultraviolet part of the solar radiation
[C] all the solar radiations
[D] the infrared part of the solar radiation
Q18. Which of the following is not true for India to combat the adverse impact of Climate Change? [UPPCS (Pre) 2017]
[A] Establishment of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
[B] Investment of `100 crores as an initial corpus under the National Adaptation Fund
[C] Not attended the 19th Meeting of BASIC at Sun City, South Africa held recently.
[D] All of the above are true
Q19. The concept of ‘carbon credit’ originated from which one of the following? [Jharkhand PCS (Pre) 2011]
[A] Kyoto Protocol
[B] Earth Summit
[C] Montreal Protocol
[D] G-8 Summit
Q20. The greenhouse effect is the process: [RAS/RTS (Pre) 1992]
[A] to obtain suitable temperature for plantation
[B] of heating the atmosphere by absorption of infrared radiations by atmospheric carbon dioxide
[C] by which barren mountains change into green
[D] in which deep water seems green
Q21. Where was the climate change conference held in the year 2015? [Chhattisgarh PCS (Pre) 2015]
[A] Paris
[B] Quata
[C] Bon
[D] Colombo
Q22. Which of the following United Nation’s climate change conference
was it held in Paris? [UP Lower Sub. (Pre) 2015]
[A] 25th
[B] 23rd
[C] 22nd
[D] 21st
Q23. Global warming is caused due to the emission of [UPPCS (Mains) 2004]
[A] Nitrogen
[B] Carbon dioxide
[C] Carbon mono-oxide
[D] Hydrocarbon
Q24. The concept of Greenhouse Gases was postulated by [UPPCS (Mains) 2011]
[A] C.C. Park
[B] J.N.N. Jeffers
[C] Joseph Fourier
[D] L. Zobler
Q25. Which of the following is responsible for global warming? [Jharkhand PCS (Pre) 2013]
[A] Methane
[B] Carbon dioxide
[C] Water vapour
[D] All of the above
Q26. The greenhouse effect is enhanced in the environment due to: [UPPCS (Pre) 2015]
[A] Carbon monoxide
[B] Carbon dioxide
[C] Oxygen
[D] None of the above
Q27. India’s first National Action Plan on climate change was released in [UPPCS (Pre) 2016]
[A] 2008 AD
[B] 2012 AD
[C] 2014 AD
[D] 2015 AD
Q28. Which human activity is most affected by climate? [West Bengal PSC (Pre) 2019 Jharkhand PCS (Pre) 2013]
[A] Fishing
[B] Mining
[C] Manufacturing
[D] Farming
Q29. Which one of the following gases is not a greenhouse gas? [UPPCS (Pre) 2016]
[A] CO2
[B] CH4
[C] NO2
[D] O2
Q30. Consider the following statements.
1. Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants is a unique initiative of the G20 group of countries.
2. The CCAC focuses on methane black carbon and hydrofluorocarbons.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS (Pre) 2017]
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 and 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2