English Synonyms MCQ with Answers: Asked in Previous Year SSC Exams

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English Synonyms MCQ with Answers Set-15 [25 MCQs]

Q326. Courage
A. Meekness
B. Valour
C. Humility
D. Timidity

Answer – B. Valour
Explanation-“Courage” refers to the ability to face and overcome fear, danger, or adversity. Among the options, “valour” best represents the concept of courage, as it specifically denotes bravery and valorous behavior. The other options, such as “meekness” (submissiveness), “humility” (modesty or lowliness), and “timidity” (lack of courage), do not align with the meaning of courage.

Q327. Opinion
A. Sense
B. Chance
C. View
D. Wisdom

Answer – C. View
Explanation-“Opinion” refers to a personal view, judgment, or belief about something. The option that best represents this meaning is “view.”

Q328. Trivial
A. Warm
B. Meaningful
C. Essential
D. Superficial

Answer – D. Superficial
Explanation-“Trivial” means of little importance, significance, or value. The option that best represents this meaning is “superficial.”

Q329. Persist
A. continue
B. cease
C. halt
D. forget

Answer – A. continue
Explanation-“Persist” means to continue firmly or obstinately in an action, belief, or course of action. Among the options, “continue” is the most suitable term that represents the idea of persisting. The other options, such as “cease” (stop), “halt” (bring to a stop), and “forget” (not remember), are opposite in meaning to persist.

Q330. Surreptitious
A. Aggressive
B. Spacious
C. Secretive
D. Adventurous

Answer – C. Secretive
Explanation-Surreptitious means done in a secretive or stealthy manner. Among the given options, “Secretive” aligns with the meaning of surreptitious.

Q331. Scanty
A. Enough
B. Adequate
C. Plentiful
D. Meager

Answer – D. Meager
Explanation-“Scanty” means insufficient in quantity or amount, often describing something that is lacking or meager. The option that best represents this meaning is “meager.”

Q332. Diminutive
A. petite
B. expeditious
C. dangerous
D. fallacious

Answer – A. petite
Explanation-“Diminutive” refers to something that is small or tiny in size. Among the options, “petite” best represents the meaning of diminutive as it specifically denotes a small size, typically referring to a person’s physical stature. The other options, such as “expeditious” (quick or efficient), “dangerous” (posing a threat or risk), and “fallacious” (based on a mistaken belief), do not convey the sense of being small or diminutive.

Q333. Misfortune
A. Benefit
B. Calamity
C. Support
D. Miracle

Answer – B. Calamity
Explanation-“Misfortune” refers to an unfortunate or unlucky event or circumstance. Among the options, “calamity” is the term that best represents the meaning of misfortune. It implies a disastrous or catastrophic event. The other options, such as “benefit” (advantage or gain), “support” (assistance or help), and “miracle” (extraordinary event with divine intervention), do not convey the sense of misfortune.

Q334. Onerous
A. arduous
B. abundant
C. honorable
D. accessible

Answer – A. arduous
Explanation-“Onerous” describes something that involves a great deal of effort, difficulty, or responsibility. Among the options, “arduous” aligns most closely with the meaning of onerous. It implies a task or obligation that is burdensome or demanding. The other options, such as “abundant” (plentiful), “honorable” (respectable), and “accessible” (easy to reach or obtain), do not represent the concept of onerous.

Q335. Pedigree
A. Forbidden
B. Illegitimate
C. Mongrel
D. Lineage

Answer –D. Lineage
Explanation-“Pedigree” refers to the recorded ancestry or lineage of a person or animal. The option that best represents this meaning is “lineage.”

Q336. Loyal
A. Legal
B. Routine
C. Devoted
D. Varied

Answer – C. Devoted
Explanation-“Loyal” refers to someone who is faithful, committed, or devoted to a person, cause, or organization. The option that best represents this meaning is “devoted.”

Q337. Demolish
A. Repair
B. Taunt
C. Reveal
D. Dismantle

Answer – D. Dismantle
Explanation-“Demolish” means to completely destroy or tear down. Among the options, “dismantle” aligns best with the meaning of demolish. It implies taking apart or deconstructing something. The other options, such as “repair” (fix or mend), “taunt” (mock or provoke), and “reveal” (disclose or uncover), do not convey the sense of destruction associated with demolish.

Q338. Surge
A. Hygienic
B. Clean
C. Smooth
D. Rush

Answer – D. Rush
Explanation-“Surge” refers to a sudden and powerful forward or upward movement, often associated with a rush or increase in activity. The option that best represents this meaning is “rush.”

Q339. Dedicate
A. Decide
B. Design
C. Denounce
D. Devote

Answer – D. Devote
Explanation-“Dedicate” means to give time, effort, or oneself to a particular purpose or activity. Among the options, “devote” aligns best with the meaning of dedicate. It implies a strong commitment or dedication. The other options, such as “decide” (make a choice or reach a conclusion), “design” (create or plan), and “denounce” (publicly condemn or criticize), do not convey the sense of commitment associated with dedication.

Q340. Reprimand
A. Complete
B. Repeat
C. Rebuke
D. Command

Answer – C. Rebuke
Explanation-Reprimand means to scold or express disapproval toward someone’s actions. Among the given options, “Rebuke” best represents the meaning of reprimand.

Q341. Deepen
A. Soothe
B. Neutralize
C. Relieve
D. Intensify

Answer – D. Intensify
Explanation-“Deepen” means to make something more intense, strong, or profound. Among the options, “intensify” is the term that aligns best with the meaning of deepen. It implies increasing the intensity or seriousness of something. The other options, such as “soothe” (calm or alleviate), “neutralize” (counteract or balance), and “relieve” (alleviate or ease), do not represent the concept of deepening.

Q342. Cove
A. Pit
B. Hollow
C. Bay
D. Crater

Answer – C. Bay
Explanation-“Cove” typically refers to a small, sheltered bay or coastal inlet. The option that best represents this meaning is “bay.”

Q343. Cogent
A. convincing
B. weak
C. ineffective
D. pathetic

Answer – A. convincing
Explanation-“Cogent” means clear, logical, and convincing. It refers to an argument or reasoning that is persuasive and well-reasoned. Among the options, “convincing” is the term that best aligns with the meaning of cogent. The other options, such as “weak,” “ineffective,” and “pathetic,” indicate the opposite of cogency.

Q344. Capable
A. Complacent
B. Consistent
C. Conceited
D. Competent

Answer – D. Competent
Explanation-“Capable” means having the ability, skill, or competence to do something. Among the options, “competent” aligns best with the meaning of capable. It implies being capable or skilled in performing a task or job. The other options, such as “complacent” (self-satisfied or smug), “consistent” (regular or steady), and “conceited” (excessively proud or arrogant), do not represent the concept of capability.

Q345. Squabble
A. Agree
B. Discuss
C. Fight
D. Resolve

Answer – C. Fight
Explanation-“Squabble” means to engage in a quarrel, argument, or petty dispute. “Fight” is the most suitable synonym, indicating a physical or verbal struggle between two or more parties.

Q346. Chide
A. Flatter
B. Commend
C. Approve
D. Rebuke

Answer – D. Rebuke
Explanation-“Chide” means to scold or criticize someone mildly. Among the options, “rebuke” best represents the meaning of chide. It implies expressing disapproval or reprimanding someone. The other options, such as “flatter” (praise insincerely), “commend” (praise or applaud), and “approve” (agree or endorse), do not align with the concept of chiding.

Q347. Immense
A. Minute
B. Dull
C. Insignificant
D. Massive

Answer – D. Massive
Explanation-“Immense” means extremely large or vast in size or magnitude. Among the options, “massive” aligns best with the meaning of immense. It implies something of great size or extent. The other options, such as “minute” (extremely small), “dull” (lacking interest or excitement), and “insignificant” (unimportant or trivial), do not represent the concept of immensity.

Q348. Resilient
A. Baseless
B. Lazy
C. Furious
D. Supple

Answer – D. Supple
Explanation-“Resilient” means able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. The option that best represents this meaning is “supple.”

Q349. Malady
A. Illness
B. Mischief
C. Wickedness
D. Disturbance

Answer – A. Illness
Explanation-Malady refers to a disease, illness, or ailment. Among the given options, “Illness” aligns with the meaning of malady.

Q350. Former
A. Inferior
B. Superior
C. Regular
D. Previous

Answer – D. Previous
Explanation-“Former” refers to something that existed or occurred in the past. Among the options, “previous” best represents the meaning of the former. It implies something that came before or earlier in time. The other options, such as “inferior” (lower in quality or rank), “superior” (higher in quality or rank), and “regular” (consistent or normal), do not align with the concept of the former.

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