Famous Personalities and Nicknames in Indian Hisory: Detailed Guide

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Famous personalities and nicknames In India and around the world, many famous personalities are popular by their nicknames. These nicknames are usually given to them by leaders or the public because of their contributions in various aspects.

It is also an essential subject under general knowledge and Indian and world history. Here, we have listed all the Famous personalities and nicknames, including MCQ questions asked in the previous year’s SSC exam.

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List of Famous Personalities and Nicknames

Mahatma GandhiFather of the Nation, Bapu, Mahatma, Saint of Sabarmati
C. RajagopalachariRajaji
Lal Bahadur ShastriMan of Peace
Raja Ram Mohan RoyRaja, Morning Star of India, Father of Indian Renaissance
Jawaharlal NehruChacha, Pandit ji
Dadabhai NaorojiGrand Old Man of India
Dayanand SaraswatiMartin Luther King of India
Subhash Chandra BoseNetaji, Patriot of Patriots
Sayyid BrothersKingmaker of Indian History
Khan Abdul Ghaffar KhanFrontier Gandhi, Badshah Khan
Rabindranath TagoreVishwa Kavi, Kaviguru, Gurudev
Bankim Chandra ChattopadhyaySahitya Samrat
Indira GandhiIron Lady of India
Muhammad Ali JinnahQuaid-i-Azam, Baba-i-Qaum
Sarojini NaiduNightingale of India (Bharat Kokila)
Jayaprakash NarayanJP, Lok Nayak
ChanakyaMachiavelli of India
Chandra ShekharYoung Turk
Lala Lajpat RaiPunjab Kesari, Lion of Punjab
Jagjivan RamBabuji
Jatindra Mohan SenguptaDeshpriya
Bhagat SinghShaheed-e-Azam, Shaheed
ValmikiAdi Kavi
Tanguturi Prakasam PantuluAndhra Kesari
Bal Gangadhar TilakLokmanya
Lord RiponFather of the Local Self-Government
C. N. AnnaduraiAnna
Tushar Kant GhoshGrand Old Man of Indian Journalism
Dr. Rajendra PrasadDesh Ratna, Ajatshatru
Mother Mary TeresaMother, Saint of the Gutters
Ravi Shankar MaharajFather of Gujarat
Zain-ul-AbidinAkbar of Kashmir
Charles Freer AndrewsDeenbandhu
Chittaranjan DasDeshbandhu
Sheikh Mujibur RahmanBangabandhu
Acharya NagarjunaEinstein of India
Salim AliBirdman of India
Shri Krishna SinhaBihar Kesari
Lord BuddhaSiddhartha Gautama, Enlightened One, The Light of Asia
Pt. Madan Mohan MalaviyaMahamana, Prince of Beggars
Dhyan ChandThe Wizard, The Magician of Hockey
Dhundiraj Govind PhalkeFather of Indian Cinema
Lata MangeshkarNightingale of Bollywood, Swar Kokila, Gaan Saraswati
Shah JahanPrince of Builders
Kuppali Venkatappa Puttappa (Kuvempu)N/A
Tipu SultanTiger of Mysore
Muhammad-bin-TughlaqPrince of Money Makers
Amir KhusrauVoice of India, Parrot of India (Tuti-e-Hind)
Purushottam Das TandonRajarshi
Lt. Col Wilder SinghSparrow
Sheikh AbdullahSher-e-Kashmir
KalidasaShakespeare of India
Biju PatnaikSher-e-Utka
Sardar Vallabhbhai PatelIron Man of India
Bismark of IndiaN/A
PT UshaPayyoli Express, Udan Pari, Golden Girl
Chengiz KhanScourge of God
Earl of WarwickKing Maker
George Bernard ShawGBS
General EisenhowerIke
Pearl BuckLi-Kwan
HippocratesFather of Medicine
Chaudhary Devi LalTau
Gen Ervin RommelDesert Fox
Otto Van BismarckMan of Blood and Iron
Adolf HitlerFuehrer
William E GladstoneGrand Old Man of Britain
Queen ElizabethMaiden Queen
Ho Chi MinhUncle Ho
MS GolwalkarGuruji
Geoffrey ChaucerFather of English Poetry
Maharaja Kumar of VizianagaraVizzy
Napoleon BonaparteLittle Corporal, Man of Destiny
Benito MussoliniII Duce
William ShakespeareBard of Avon
Mark TwainSamuel Clemens
Florence NightingaleLady with the Lamp
Edmund SpencerPoet’s Poet
Hiuen TsangPrince of Pilgrims
Dr. Anugrah Narayan SinghBihar Vibhuti
Karpuri ThakurJana Nayak
MS GolwalkarGuruji
Ashutosh MukherjiBengal Kesari
Tushar Kant GhoshGrand Old Man of Indian Journalism
Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra PalLa, Bal, Pal
SankaracharyaSage of Kanchi
Sarat Chandra ChattopadhyayKathasilpi
Sachin TendulkarLittle Master, Master Blaster
Sunil GavaskarLittle Master
Milkha SinghFlying Sikh
Sourav GangulyDada, Prince of Calcutta, Maharaj, God of the Off Side
Kapil DevHaryana Hurricane
Indian sprinter Hima DasDhing Express

Person Associated with Musical Instrument, Types of Musical Instrument

Famous personalities and nicknames
Famous personalities and nicknames, (some similar names)

Who gave the Nickname to the Famous Personalities?

PersonalitiesNicknameGiven by
Ram Mohan RoyRajaAkbar II
Khan Abdul Ghaffar KhanFrontier GandhiAmir Chand Bombwal
Subhash Chandra BoseNetajiIndian soldiers of the Azad Hind Fauj.
Vallabhbhai PatelSardarMahatma Gandhi.
Charles Freer Andrews  DeenbandhuMahatma Gandhi
V.A. SmithSamudraguptaNapoleon of India
Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya  MahamanaRabindranath Tagore
Bal Gangadhar TilakMaker of Modern IndiaMahatma Gandhi
Bal Gangadhar TilakFather of the Indian RevolutionJawaharlal Nehru
Milkha SinghFlying SikhGeneral Ayub Khan
Lata MangeshkarGaan SaraswatiPt. Bhimsen Joshi
Lata MangeshkarMallika –ae-tarannumGulzar
Sarojini NaiduBharat KokilaRabindranath Tagore
Nicknames of Cricket teams, Sports GK

Previous Year Questions on “Famous Personalities and Nicknames”

1. Who among the following is named a “Haryana Hurricane”?
(SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi Police SI Exam, 2015)
[A] Ajay Jadeja
[B] Ajay Ratsa
[C] Kapil Dev
[D] Nawab Pataudi

2. Who among the following is referred to as ‘Desert Fox’?
(SSC CGL Prelim 2005)
[A] Lord Wavell
[B] Gen. Eisenhower
[C] Gen. Rommel
[D] Gen. McArthur

3. Who among the following is known as the ‘Napoleon of India’?
(SSC CGL Tier-I Re-Exam 2015)
[A] Chandragupta
[B] Samudragupta
[C] Harshavardhana
[D] Ashoka

4. Who gave the title ‘Nightingale of India’ to Sarojini Naidu?
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) Exam. 2016)
[A] Jawaharlal Nehru
[B] Rabindranath Tagore
[C] Rajendra Prasad
[D] Mahatma Gandhi

5. Who is named as the Flying Sikh of India?
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax & Central Excise) 2009)
[A] Mohinder Singh
[B] Ajit Pal Singh
[C] Joginder Singh
[D] Milkha Singh

6. Who referred to Mahatma Gandhi as “Father of the Nation” for the first time?
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) 2016)
[A] Jawaharlal Nehru
[B] Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
[C] C. Rajgopalachari
[D] Subhash Chandra Bose

7. Who gave the title of ‘Sardar’ to Vallabhbhai Patel?
(SSC MTS 2013)
[A] Rajaji
[B] Gandhiji
[C] Nehru
[D] M.A. Jinnah

8. Who is called the ‘Prophet of New India’?
(FCI Assistant Grade-III 2012)
[A] Dayanand Saraswati
[B] Sri Ramakrishna
[C] Raja Ram Mohan Roy
[D] Swami Vivekananda

9. Who is popularly known as the Grand Old Man of India?
(SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC 2015)
[A] Dadabhai Naoroji
[B] Madan Mohan Malaviya
[C] Mahadeva Govinda Ranade
[D] Surendranath Banerjee

10. Who, among the following, has been known as the ‘Frontier Gandhi’?
(SSC Combined Matric Level (PRE) 2000)
[A] Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
[B] Khan Saheb
[C] Chaudhary Shaukatullah
[D] Liaquat Ali Khan

11. Find the correct match:
(SSC Combined Matric Level (PRE) 2001)
A. Abdul Gaffar Khan…. 1. Mahatma
B. Dadabhai NaoroJi….. 2. Frontier Gandhi
C. Mohandas Karam …. 3. Grand Old man of India
D. Rabindra Nath Tagore ….. 4. Gurudev
[A] A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
[B] A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
[C] A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
[D] A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4

12. Match the following:
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) Exam. 14.12.2003)

#List: I
A. Jayprakash Narayan
B. C. F. Andrew
C. Dadabhai Nauroji
D. Lala Lajpat Rai

#List: II
1. Dinbandhu
2. Grand old man of India
3. Lok Nayak
4. Punjab Kesari
5. Raja Jee

…..(A) (B) (C) (D)
[A] 5….4…. 3.. 2
[B] 3… 1….2.. 4
[C] 1…. 2…..5…3
[D] 4…..3…..1…5

13. Who is called the ‘Father of the Indian National Congress’?
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax & Central Excise) 2005)
[A] Mahatma Gandhi
[B] A.O. Hume
[C] Lokmanya Tilak
[D] Surendra Nath Banerjee

14. Who is generally acknowledged as the pioneer of local self-government in modern India?
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit 2006)
(SSC Combined Matric Level (PRE) 2000)
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff 2013)
[A] Ripon
[B] Mayo
[C] Lytton
[D] Curzon

15. ‘Deshbandhu’ is the title of
(SSC Combined Matric Level (PRE) 2001)
[A] B.R. Ambedkar
[B] C.R. Das
[C] B.C. Pal
[D] Rabindranath Tagore

16. Who is commonly known as the Iron Man?
(SSC Constable (GD) 2013)
[A] Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
[C] Vittal Bhai Patel
[B] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[D] Bipin Chandra Pal

17. ‘Prince of Pilgrims’ was the name attributed to
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LCD)
[A] Fa-Hien
[B] I-tsing
[C] Hiuen Tsang
[D] Megasthenes

Top one-liner on Famous personalities and nicknames

Here are the top 14 one-liners on the topic “Famous Personalities and their nicknames”. Practice more so that you can remember it easily.

Question 1: who gave the name flying Sikh to Milkha Singh?
Answer: “Flying Sikh” name given by Ayub Khan

Question 2: Which freedom fighter was known as Saint of Sabarmati?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi was known as the Saint of Sabarmati.

Question 3: Amir Khusrau is popularly known as?
Answer: Voice of India or Parrot of India

Question 4: William Shakespeare is popularly known as?
Answer: Bard of Avon

Question 5: Which famous personalities are known as “Morning Star of India Renaissance”?
Answer: Raja Ram Mohan Roy is known as the “Morning Star of India Renaissance”. He was also known as the Father of the Indian Renaissance and Raja.

Question 6: Valmiki was known as?
Answer: Adi Kavi

Question 7: Which Sports Personalities are known as Dhing Express?
Answer: Indian Sprinter Hima Das of Assam, known as Dhing Express.

Question 8: Which Indian revolutionary known as “Badshah Khan”?
Answer: Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Question 9: Who gave the name ‘Raja’ to Ram Mohan Roy?
Answer: Akbar II

Question 10: Charles Freer Andrews, popularly known as the _
Answer: Deshbandhu

Question 11: Who among the following is named as Saint of the Gutters?
Answer: Mother Teresa

Question 12:  Chanakya popularly known as _
Answer: Machiavelli of India

Question 13: Who is named as the Tiger of Mysore?
Answer:  Tipu Sultan

Question 14: Who gave the title Napoleon of India” to Samudragupta?
Answer: V.A. Smith

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who gave the title “Napoleon of India” to Samudragupta?

Answer: V.A. Smith

Q2. Who is known as the Hockey Wizard of India?

Answer: Dhyan Chand is known as the Hockey Wizard of India.

Q3. Which sports personalities are known as Dhing Express?

Answer: Indian Sprinter Hima Das of Assam, known as Dhing Express.

Q4. Who was given the title of Saint of Sabarmati?

Answer: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was given the name of Saint of Sabarmati.

Q5. Who among the following is named as Saint of the Gutters?

Answer: Mother Teresa

Q6. Chanakya is popularly known as _

Answer: Machiavelli of India

Q7. Who gave the name flying Sikh to Milkha Singh?

Answer: “Flying Sikh” name given by Ayub Khan

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