English Synonyms MCQ with Answers: Asked in Previous Year SSC Exams

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English Synonyms MCQ with Answers Set-15 [25 MCQs]

Q351. Choosy
A. Productive
B. Frank
C. Tricky
D. Selective

Answer – D. Selective
Explanation-“Choosy” refers to being very selective or particular when making choices. The option that best represents this meaning is “selective.”

Q352. Kit
A. Equipment
B. Information
C. Element
D. Particle

Answer – A. Equipment
Explanation-“Kit” typically refers to a set of tools or equipment needed for a specific purpose. The option that best represents this meaning is “equipment.”

Q353. Lavish
A. Scarce
B. Bountiful
C. Austere
D. Simple

Answer – B. Bountiful
Explanation-“Lavish” means characterized by extravagance or generosity. Among the options, “bountiful” aligns best with the meaning of lavish. It implies abundance or plentifulness. The other options, such as “scarce” (in short supply), “austere” (simple or strict), and “simple” (plain or uncomplicated), do not convey the sense of lavishness.

Q354. Hate
A. Deny
B. Defer
C. Defile
D. Detest

Answer – D. Detest
Explanation-“Hate” refers to having a strong aversion or intense dislike towards someone or something. Among the options, “detest” aligns best with the meaning of hate. It implies a deep or extreme dislike. The other options, such as “deny” (refuse or reject), “defer” (postpone or delay), and “defile” (pollute or desecrate), do not convey the sense of intense dislike associated with hate.

Q355. Mercurial
A. interchangeable
B. predictable
C. permanent
D. volatile

Answer – D. volatile
Explanation- “Mercurial” refers to something or someone that is characterized by unpredictable or quick changes in mood, temperament, or behavior. Among the given options, “volatile” best represents the idea of mercurial. The other options, such as “interchangeable” (able to be exchanged with another), “predictable” (able to be predicted or expected), and “permanent” (lasting or enduring), do not convey the sense of sudden changes associated with mercurial.

Q356. Occur
A. Hinder
B. Hasten
C. Happen
D. Hamper

Answer – C. Happen
Explanation-The word “occur” means to take place or happen. It refers to an event, incident, or situation that comes into existence or becomes evident. the most appropriate synonym for “occur” is “happen.” The other options, “hinder,” “hasten,” and “hamper,” have contrasting meanings as they denote impeding, accelerating, or obstructing events, rather than describing events themselves.

Q357. Accountable
A. Blameless
B. Unreliable
C. Slack
D. Answerable

Answer – D. Answerable
Explanation-“Accountable” means being responsible or answerable for one’s actions or decisions. Among the options, “answerable” aligns best with the meaning of accountability. It implies being obligated to provide explanations or justifications. The other options, such as “blameless” (free from blame or fault), “unreliable” (not trustworthy or dependable), and “slack” (lacking diligence or effort), do not represent the concept of accountability.

Q358. Infuriate
A. Endow
B. Enhance
C. Enrage
D. Engage

Answer – C. Enrage
Explanation-“Infuriate” means to make someone extremely angry or furious. Among the options, “enrage” aligns best with the meaning of infuriate. It implies provoking intense anger or rage. The other options, such as “endow” (provide with a gift or talent), “enhance” (improve or augment), and “engage” (participate or involve), do not convey the sense of extreme anger associated with infuriate.

Q359. Optimist
A. Critic
B. Distinct
C. Idealist
D. Pessimist

Answer – C. Idealist
Explanation-An “optimist” is someone who generally has a positive outlook or expects favorable outcomes. Among the options, “idealist” aligns best with the meaning of optimist. It implies someone who holds optimistic ideals or beliefs. The other options, such as “critic” (one who finds faults or expresses negative opinions), “distinct” (clear or separate), and “pessimist” (one who expects unfavorable outcomes), do not convey the concept of optimism.

Q360. Harass
A. Assist
B. Molest
C. Scare
D. Comfort

Answer – B. Molest
Explanation-“Harass” means to persistently annoy, bother, or intimidate someone. Among the options, “molest” aligns best with the meaning of harass. It implies unwelcome and offensive behavior towards someone. The other options, such as “assist” (help or support), “scare” (frighten or terrify), and “comfort” (provide solace or reassurance), do not convey the negative and intrusive nature associated with harassment.

Q361. Profuse
A. Thrifty
B. Sparse
C. Aplenty
D. Scarce

Answer – C. Aplenty
Explanation-“Profuse” means abundant, plentiful, or in large quantities. Among the options, “aplenty” aligns best with the meaning of profuse. It implies having a plentiful or ample supply. The other options, such as “thrifty” (careful with money or resources), “sparse” (thinly scattered or not dense), and “scarce” (in short supply), do not represent the concept of profusion or abundance.

Q362. Rectify
A. Raid
B. Bend
C. Folly
D. Amend

Answer – D. Amend
Explanation-“Rectify” means to correct, fix, or make right a mistake or problem. Among the options, “amend” aligns best with the meaning of rectify. It implies making changes or improvements to rectify an error. The other options, such as “raid” (sudden attack or invasion), “bend” (curve or flex), and “folly” (foolishness or lack of good sense), do not convey the idea of rectification.

Q363. Forgive
A. Accuse
B. Forget
C. Pardon
D. Compel

Answer – C. Pardon
Explanation-“Forgive” means to stop feeling anger or resentment towards someone and to let go of the desire for revenge. Among the options, “pardon” aligns best with the meaning of forgive. It implies granting forgiveness or showing mercy. The other options, such as “accuse” (blame or charge with wrongdoing), “forget” (fail to remember), and “compel” (force or coerce), do not convey the concept of forgiveness.

Q364. Agile
A. Dull
B. Stiff
C. Rigid
D. Quick

Answer – D. Quick
Explanation-“Agile” refers to being quick, nimble, or mentally sharp. Among the options, “quick” aligns best with the meaning of agile. It implies being able to move or think swiftly and easily. The other options, such as “dull” (lacking brightness or excitement), “stiff” (rigid or lacking flexibility), and “rigid” (inflexible or strict), do not convey the concept of agility.

Q365. Benevolent
A. Miser
B. Cruel
C. Malevolent
D. Generous

Answer – D. Generous
Explanation-“Benevolent” refers to being kind, generous, and having a desire to do good. Among the options, “generous” aligns best with the meaning of benevolent. It implies a willingness to give or help others. The other options, such as “miser” (someone who is stingy or hoards wealth), “cruel” (lacking kindness or compassion), and “malevolent” (having or showing ill will or evil intentions), do not convey the concept of benevolence.

Q366. Eager
A. Satisfied
B. Keen
C. Active
D. Alert

Answer – B. Keen
Explanation-“Eager” means having a strong desire or enthusiasm for something. Among the options, “keen” aligns best with the meaning of eager. It implies being enthusiastic, eager, or having a strong interest. The other options, such as “satisfied” (content or fulfilled), “active” (engaged in action or movement), and “alert” (watchful or attentive), do not convey the sense of strong desire associated with eagerness.

Q367. Strange
A. Despair
B. Abnormal
C. Natural
D. Conventional

Answer – B. Abnormal
Explanation-“Strange” refers to something unfamiliar, unusual, or deviating from the normal or expected. Among the options, “abnormal” aligns best with the meaning of strange. It implies something that is not typical or ordinary. The other options, such as “despair” (extreme sadness or hopelessness), “natural” (existing in nature or innate), and “conventional” (following traditional or accepted standards), do not convey the concept of strangeness.

Q368. Obvious
A. Vague
B. Various
C. Flexible
D. Evident

Answer – D. Evident
Explanation-“Obvious” means easily perceived or understood; clear or apparent. Among the options, “evident” aligns best with the meaning of obvious. It implies something that is clearly visible or understandable. The other options, such as “vague” (unclear or imprecise), “various” (diverse or different), and “flexible” (adaptable or supple), do not represent the concept of obviousness.

Q369. Enhance
A. Reduce
B. Shrink
C. Improve
D. Frighten

Answer – C. Improve
Explanation-“Enhance” means to improve, increase, or augment the quality, value, or attractiveness of something. Among the options, “improve” aligns best with the meaning of enhance. It implies making something better or more desirable. The other options, such as “reduce” (make smaller or lessen), “shrink” (become smaller in size), and “frighten” (scare or intimidate), do not convey the concept of enhancement.

Q370. Aroma
A. Sneeze
B. Scent
C. Stench
D. Stink

Answer – B. Scent
Explanation-“Aroma” refers to a pleasant or distinctive smell or fragrance. Among the options, “scent” aligns best with the meaning of aroma. It implies a pleasant or agreeable smell. The other options, such as “sneeze” (a reflex act of exhaling air suddenly through the nose), “stench” (a strong and unpleasant odor), and “stink” (emit a strong and unpleasant odor), do not convey the concept of a pleasant or distinctive smell associated with aroma.

Q371. Confusion
A. Assurance
B. Muddle
C. Devotion
D. Clarity

Answer – B. Muddle
Explanation-“Confusion” refers to a state of disorder, chaos, or lack of clarity. Among the options, “muddle” aligns best with the meaning of confusion. It implies a state of confusion or disorder. The other options, such as “assurance” (confidence or certainty), “devotion” (dedication or loyalty), and “clarity” (clearness or understanding), do not represent the state of confusion.

Q372. Impolite
A. Intelligent
B. Brave
C. Rude
D. Irrelevant

Answer – C. Rude
Explanation-“Impolite” refers to lacking manners or showing disrespect. Among the options, “rude” aligns best with the meaning of impolite. It implies a lack of courtesy or politeness. The other options, such as “intelligent” (smart or clever), “brave” (courageous or fearless), and “irrelevant” (not related or applicable), do not convey the sense of lacking manners or disrespect associated with being impolite.

Q373. Tangled
A. Regulate
B. Knotted
C. Organized
D. Orderly

Answer – B. Knotted
Explanation-“Tangled” means twisted or interwoven in a disorderly manner, creating a state of confusion or complexity. Among the options, “knotted” aligns best with the meaning of tangled. It implies being twisted or entangled, resulting in disorder. The other options, such as “regulate” (control or adjust), “organized” (arranged systematically), and “orderly” (neat or well-arranged), do not represent the concept of tangled or disarray.

Q374. Proclaim
A. Produce
B. Declare
C. Conceal
D. Oppose

Answer – B. Declare
Explanation-“Proclaim” means to announce or declare publicly, typically with authority or conviction. Among the options, “declare” aligns best with the meaning of proclaim. It implies making a formal statement or announcement. The other options, such as “produce” (create or generate), “conceal” (hide or keep secret), and “oppose” (resist or go against), do not convey the idea of making a public declaration.

Q375. Remember
A. Reign
B. Recall
C. Review
D. Retail

Answer –B. Recall
Explanation-“Remember” means to have or keep an image or memory of something in one’s mind. Among the options, “recall” aligns best with the meaning of remember. It implies bringing back or retrieving information from memory. The other options, such as ” reign” (rule or govern), “review” (examine or assess), and “retail” (sell goods directly to consumers), do not convey the concept of bringing back or retrieving information associated with remembering.

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