Idioms and Phrases MCQ Set-51
Q501. “He kicked up a row when he was denied entry to the amusement park.”
A. Cried with sorrow
B. Waited in a queue
C. Kicked the guard
D. Created a fuss
Answer – D. Created a fuss
Q502. late in the day
A. Too old to work
B. Too ripe to eat
C. Too dark to see anything
D. Too delayed to be of any use
Answer – D. Too delayed to be of any use
Q503. left-handed compliment
A. Praise that is given directly
B. Insulting someone in front of others
C. Insulting remark appearing as praise
D. Making fun of someone to tease them
Answer –C. Insulting remark appearing as praise
Q504. bolt from the blue
A. Winning after losing a game many times
B. Something sudden that happens unexpectedly
C. Someone who runs fast and wins a race
D. Locking the doors to keep the rain out
Answer – B. Something sudden that happens unexpectedly
Q505. He tries to perform well but good projects done by him are______. He needs to put in extra effort.
A. On edge
B. Walking on air
C. Few and far between
D. Going with the flow
Answer – C. Few and far between
Q506. put your best foot forward
A. Take care to dress well
B. Walk very cautiously
C. Try as hard as one can
D. Check every step
Answer – C. Try as hard as one can
Q507. at snail’s pace
A. Do something very carefully
B. Be very persistent
C. Do something very slowly
D. Keep your moves secret
Answer –C. Do something very slowly
Q508. Please come to the point, don’t beat around the bush.
A. Avoid the topic
B. Hide behind a bush
C. Make excuses
D. Accept defeat
Answer –A. Avoid the topic
Q509. My aunt who orders everyone around is a pain in the neck.
A. Irritating
B. Short tempered
C. Curious
D. Argumentative
Answer – A. Irritating