English Synonyms MCQ with Answers: Asked in Previous Year SSC Exams

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English Synonyms MCQ with Answers Set-13 [25 MCQs]

Q300. Jeopardy
A. Promotion
B. Prevention
C. Peril
D. Protection

Answer – C. Peril
Explanation-“Jeopardy” refers to a dangerous or risky situation, often associated with peril or risk. The option that best represents this meaning is “peril.”

Q301. Enrage
A. Alleviate
B. Infuriate
C. Moderate
D. Placate

Answer – B. Infuriate
Explanation-“Enrage” means to make someone extremely angry or furious. “Infuriate” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting intense anger or rage provoked by a particular action or event.

Q302. Relief
A. Anger
B. Aid
C. Emotion
D. Stress

Answer – B. Aid
Explanation-“Relief” refers to the alleviation or removal of something distressing or painful. The option that best represents this meaning is “aid.”

Q303. Ignominy
A. Morality
B. Virtue
C. Disgrace
D. Esteem

Answer – C. Disgrace
Explanation-“Ignominy” refers to a state of public shame, humiliation, or disgrace. The option that best represents this meaning is “disgrace.”

Q304. Intensify
A. Eliminate
B. Terminate
C. Destroy
D. Strengthen

Answer – D. Strengthen
Explanation-“Intensify” means to increase, strengthen, or make something more intense, often associated with enhancing or reinforcing. The option that best represents this meaning is “strengthen.”

Q305. Constraint
A. Hazard
B. Burden
C. Concern
D. Control

Answer – D. Control
Explanation-“Constraint” refers to a limitation, restriction, or a factor that inhibits or restricts freedom of action. “Control” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating the power to influence, direct, or regulate something.

Q306. Nincompoop
A. bold
B. innocent
C. clever
D. foolish

Answer – D. foolish
Explanation-“Nincompoop” is a term used to refer to someone who is foolish or lacks intelligence. Among the given options, “foolish” is the most suitable word to describe a nincompoop.

Q307. Exasperate
A. Infuriate
B. Appreciate
C. Imitate
D. Desperate

Answer – A. Infuriate
Explanation-“Exasperate” means to irritate, annoy, or provoke someone to a point of frustration or anger. The option that best represents this meaning is “infuriate.”

Q308. Bull-headed
A. Headstrong
B. Muddle-headed
C. Clear-headed
D. Weak-minded

Answer – A. Headstrong
Explanation-“Bull-headed” refers to someone who is stubborn, obstinate, or determined to have their own way. “Headstrong” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating a strong-willed or stubborn nature.

Q309. Incessant
A. Inconstant
B. Intermittent
C. Transient
D. Persistent

Answer – D. Persistent
Explanation-“Incessant” means continuing without pause or interruption, often describing something that is persistent or constant. The option that best represents this meaning is “persistent.”

Q310. Avoid
A. evade
B. face
C. approach
D. pursue

Answer – A. evade
Explanation-“Avoid” means to deliberately stay away from or prevent from happening. Among the given options, “evade” best represents the meaning of “avoid.”

Q311. Beguile
A. Repulse
B. Hasten
C. Deceive
D. Disenchant

Answer – C. Deceive
Explanation-“Beguile” means to deceive, trick, or mislead someone, often by charm or attractiveness. The option that best represents this meaning is “deceive.”

Q312. Redundant
A. Unnecessary
B. Unsuitable
C. Uninterested
D. Unparalleled

Answer – A. Unnecessary
Explanation-“Redundant” means not needed or unnecessary because there is an excess or duplication. The option that best represents this meaning is “unnecessary.”

Q313. Disastrous
A. Noisy
B. Wicked
C. Impressive
D. Calamitous

Answer – D. Calamitous
Explanation-“Disastrous” means causing great damage , harm, or suffering, often associated with a calamity or catastrophe. The option that best represents this meaning is “calamitous.”

Q314. Inarticulate
A. fluent
B. inevitable
C. eloquent
D. incoherent

Answer –D. incoherent
Explanation-“Inarticulate” means unable to express oneself clearly or fluently. Among the given options, “incoherent” best represents the meaning of “inarticulate.”

Q315. Incessant
A. Intermittent
B. Persistent
C. Transient
D. Inconstant

Answer – B. Persistent
Explanation- Intermittent – means occurring at intervals, with breaks in between.
Persistent – means continuing or staying for a long time, even in difficult circumstances.
Transient- means lasting for a short time only.
Inconstant- means not staying the same for very long; changeable.

The word incessant means continuing without interruption; ceaseless. So, the synonym that best describes the meaning of incessant is persistent

Here are some examples of how the words incessant and persistent can be used in a sentence:
• The incessant rain made it difficult to get around.
• The persistent salesperson kept trying to sell me a new car.

Q316. Magnify
A. Enlarge
B. Withdraw
C. Shrink
D. Decrease

Answer – A. Enlarge
Explanation-Magnify means to make something appear larger or more significant. Among the given options, “Enlarge” best represents the meaning of magnify.

Q317. Solid
A. Flat
B. Firm
C. Vacant
D. Hollow

Answer – B. Firm
Explanation-Solid refers to a state of being firm, stable, or not easily broken. Among the given options, “Firm” aligns with the meaning of solid.

Q318. Applause
A. Approval
B. Condemnation
C. Attack
D. Blame

Answer – A. Approval
Explanation-Applause refers to the act of showing approval or admiration by clapping hands. Among the given options, “Approval” best represents the meaning of applause.

Q319. Sanction
A. Denial
B. Grace
C. Mercy
D. Approval

Answer – D. Approval
Explanation-“Sanction” can mean official permission, approval, or authorization. The option that best represents this meaning is “approval.”

Q320. Philanthropist
A. humanitarian
B. philosopher
C. humanist
D. misanthropist

Answer – A. humanitarian
Explanation-A philanthropist is someone who is actively involved in promoting the welfare of others, especially through charitable donations and actions. The term “humanitarian” aligns closely with the definition of a philanthropist, as it refers to a person who is concerned with promoting human welfare and alleviating suffering.

Q321. Fatigue
A. Energy
B. Warmth
C. Lightness
D. Tiredness

Answer – D. Tiredness
Explanation-Fatigue refers to a state of extreme tiredness or exhaustion. Among the given options, “Tiredness” best represents the meaning of fatigue.

Q322. Impoverished
A. spendthrift
B. generous
C. wealthy
D. penniless

Answer – D. penniless
Explanation-“Impoverished” means having little or no money or resources, being in a state of poverty. Among the given options, “penniless” best represents the idea of lacking financial means. The other options, such as “spendthrift” (one who spends money extravagantly) and “generous” (someone who is giving or charitable), are not synonymous with being impoverished. “Wealthy” indicates the opposite of being impoverished.

Q323. Stoical
A. ruffled
B. apathetic
C. panicky
D. equivocal

Answer – B. apathetic
Explanation-“Stoical” refers to a person who endures pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. The term implies emotional resilience and self-control. Among the options provided, “apathetic” aligns closest with the idea of someone being unresponsive or indifferent to emotions. The other options, such as “ruffled” (disturbed or agitated), “panicky” (showing sudden fear or anxiety), and “equivocal” (uncertain or ambiguous), do not represent the characteristic of being stoical.

Q324. Inept
A. capable
B. fit
C. strong
D. clumsy

Answer – D. clumsy.
Explanation-“Inept” means lacking skill or competence. Among the given options, “clumsy” is the most suitable term to describe someone who is inept.

Q325. Evidence
A. indication
B. refutation
C. denial
D. concealment

Answer –A. indication
Explanation-“Evidence” refers to facts or information that support a claim or proposition. Among the options, “indication” best represents evidence as it implies a sign or piece of information that suggests or points to something. The other options, such as “refutation” (proving something to be false), “denial” (rejecting or contradicting something), and “concealment” (hiding or keeping something secret), do not align with the concept of evidence.

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