English Synonyms MCQ with Answers: Asked in Previous Year SSC Exams

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English Synonyms MCQ with Answers Set-19 [25 MCQs]

Q451. Beneficial
A. Worthless
B. Harmful
C. Adverse
D. Advantageous

Answer – D. Advantageous
Explanation-“Beneficial” means favorable or advantageous. Among the options, “advantageous” aligns best with the meaning of beneficial. It implies something that is beneficial or helpful. The other options, such as “worthless” (having no value or importance), “harmful” (causing damage or injury), and “adverse” (unfavorable or harmful), do not convey the sense of being favorable or advantageous associated with being beneficial.

Q452. Sordid
A. dirty
B. solid
C. clean
D. pure

Answer – A. dirty
Explanation-“Sordid” refers to something morally distasteful or morally degraded. Among the options, “dirty” aligns best with the meaning of sordid. It implies being unclean or morally impure. The other options, such as “solid” (firm or stable), “clean” (free from dirt or impurities), and “pure” (free from contamination or immorality), do not convey the sense of moral degradation or being morally distasteful associated with being sordid.

Q453. Discover
A. neglect
B. find
C. hide
D. ignore

Answer –B. find
Explanation-“Discover” means to find or become aware of something for the first time. Among the options, “find” aligns best with the meaning of discover. It implies coming across something previously unknown or unrecognized. The other options, such as “neglect” (ignore or pay little attention to), “hide” (conceal or keep secret), and “ignore” (pay no attention to or disregard), do not convey the sense of finding or becoming aware of something associated with discovering.

Q454. Ignominious
A. wonderful
B. disgraceful
C. innocuous
D. generous

Answer – B. disgraceful
Explanation-“Ignominious” means causing public disgrace or shame. Among the options, “disgraceful” aligns best with the meaning of ignominious. It implies being shameful or dishonorable. The other options, such as “wonderful” (extremely pleasing or delightful), “innocuous” (harm less or not likely to cause offense), and “generous” (showing kindness or willingness to give), do not convey the sense of causing disgrace or shame associated with being ignominious.

Q455. Quest
A. search
B. path
C. destination
D. route

Answer – A. search
Explanation-“Quest” refers to a search or pursuit of something. Among the options, “search” aligns best with the meaning of quest. It implies actively looking for or seeking something. The other options, such as “path” (a route or way), “destination” (the endpoint or goal), and “route” (a course or path taken to reach a destination), do not convey the sense of searching or pursuing associated with a quest.

Q456. Orthodox
A. civilized
B. habitual
C. traditional
D. deliberate

Answer – C. traditional
Explanation-“Orthodox” refers to conforming to traditional or established beliefs or practices. Among the options, “traditional” aligns best with the meaning of orthodox. It implies adhering to customary or long-standing practices. The other options, such as “civilized” (having a high level of cultural development), “habitual” (done as a habit or routine), and “deliberate” (done intentionally or with careful consideration), do not convey the sense of conforming to traditional beliefs or practices associated with being orthodox.

Q457. Ideology
A. contract
B. belief
C. mark
D. recognition

Answer – B. belief
Explanation-“Ideology” refers to a system of beliefs or ideas, especially relating to politics or society. Among the options, “belief” aligns best with the meaning of ideology. It implies a set of principles or convictions. The other options, such as “contract” (a legally binding agreement), “mark” (a symbol or sign), and “recognition” (acknowledgment or identification), do not convey the sense of a system of beliefs or ideas associated with ideology.

Q458. Resolute
A. unsure
B. determined
C. uncertain
D. hesitant

Answer – B. determined
Explanation-“Resolute” means showing firm determination or purpose. Among the options, “determined” aligns best with the meaning of resolute. It implies having a strong resolve or being unwavering in one’s decisions or actions. The other options, such as “unsure” (lacking confidence or certainty), “uncertain” (not definite or clear), and “hesitant” (showing reluctance or indecision), do not convey the sense of firm determination associated with being resolute.

Q459. Reprimand
A. reproach
B. reward
C. eradicate
D. applaud

Answer –A. reproach
Explanation- “Reprimand” means to scold or criticize someone for their actions or behavior. Among the options, “reproach” aligns best with the meaning of reprimand. It implies expressing disapproval or censure. The other options, such as “reward” (give a prize or recognition), “eradicate” (eliminate or remove completely), and “applaud” (show approval or praise), do not convey the sense of scolding or criticizing associated with reprimanding.

Q460. Meddle
A. manage
B. interfere
C. repair
D. elaborate

Answer –B. interfere
Explanation-“Meddle” means to interfere or intrude in someone else’s affairs. Among the options, “interfere” aligns best with the meaning of meddle. It implies getting involved or meddling inappropriately. The other options, such as “manage” (handle or control), “repair” (fix or mend), and “elaborate” (explain or expand upon), do not convey the sense of interfering or intruding associated with meddling.

Q461. Miniature
A. diminutive
B. mammoth
C. colossal
D. gigantic

Answer – A. diminutive
Explanation-“Miniature” means very small or tiny. Among the given options, “diminutive” is the most appropriate word to describe something that is miniature.

Q462. Camouflage
A. exhibit
B. disguise
C. divulge
D. expose

Answer – B. disguise
Explanation-“Camouflage” refers to the act of concealing or disguising something to blend in with the surroundings. Among the given options, “disguise” best captures the meaning of “camouflage.”

Q463. Preventive
A. predicted
B. prophetic
C. protective
D. prepared

Answer –C. protective
Explanation-“Preventive” refers to something that is intended to prevent or hinder something undesirable from happening. Among the given options, “protective” best represents the meaning of “preventive,” as it suggests taking actions or measures to protect or safeguard against potential harm or negative outcomes.

Q464. Climax
A. preface
B. epilogue
C. culmination
D. prologue

Answer – C. culmination
Explanation-“Climax” refers to the highest point or culmination of a series of events. Among the given options, “culmination” best represents the concept of a climax.

Q465. Intrepid
A. gallant
B. cowardly
C. insecure
D. invisible

Answer – A. gallant
Explanation-“Intrepid” means fearless or adventurous. Among the options, “gallant” aligns best with the meaning of intrepid. It implies being brave, chivalrous, or heroic. The other options, such as “cowardly” (lacking courage or bravery), “insecure” (lacking confidence or assurance), and “invisible” (not able to be seen), do not convey the sense of fearlessness or adventurousness associated with being intrepid.

Q466. Manual
A. dictionary
B. thesaurus
C. directory
D. handbook

Answer – D. handbook
Explanation-“Manual” typically refers to a book or guide containing instructions or information about how to use or operate something. Among the given options, “handbook” is the most appropriate term to describe a manual. While a dictionary, thesaurus, and directory are types of reference books, they do not specifically convey the meaning of a manual.

Q467. Coerce
A. enchant
B. pressurize
C. cajole
D. leave

Answer – B. pressurize
Explanation-“Coerce” means to persuade or force someone to do something through threats or intimidation. Among the given options, “pressurize” best aligns with the meaning of “coerce.”

Q468. Chronic
A. ordinary
B. persistent
C. common
D. temporary

Answer – B. persistent
Explanation-“Chronic” refers to a condition or problem that persists over a long period of time. Among the given options, “persistent” is the most suitable term to describe something that is chronic.

Q469. Garrulous
A. guttural
B. throaty
C. concise
D. talkative

Answer – D. Talkative
Explanation-“Garrulous” means excessively talkative or chatty. Among the given options, “talkative” best represents the meaning of “garrulous.”

Q470. Tilt
A. slant
B. straighten
C. cross
D. support

Answer – A. Slant
Explanation-“Tilt” means to incline or lean to one side. Among the given options, “slant” is the most appropriate word to describe a tilt.

Q471. Indelible
A. Illegal
B. Illegible
C. Inerasable
D. Ineffective

Answer – C. Inerasable
Explanation-“Indelible” means making a permanent mark or impression that cannot be erased. Among the given options, “inerasable” is the most appropriate term to describe something that is indelible.

Q472. Triumph
A. Fight
B. Victory
C. Attack
D. Peace

Answer – B. Victory
Explanation-“Triumph” refers to a great victory or achievement. Among the given options, “victory” best represents the concept of triumph.

Q473. Entice
A. ensure
B. entail
C. enrage
D. entrap

Answer – D. Entrap
Explanation-“Entice” means to attract or persuade someone to do something through appealing or tempting methods. Among the given options, “entrap” best aligns with the meaning of “entice.”

Q474. Pitfall
A. haven
B. retreat
C. refuge
D. hazard

Answer – D. Hazard
Explanation-“Pitfall” refers to a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty. Among the options, “hazard” aligns best with the meaning of pitfall. It implies a risk or perilous situation. The other options, such as “haven” (a safe place or refuge), “retreat” (the act of withdrawing or moving back), and “refuge” (a place of safety or shelter), do not convey the sense of danger or difficulty associated with being a pitfall.

Q475. Dubious
A. certain
B. fishy
C. loyal
D. steady

Answer – B. Fishy
Explanation-“Dubious” means doubtful or questionable. Among the given options, “fishy” is the most suitable word to describe something that is dubious.

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