English Synonyms MCQ with Answers: Asked in Previous Year SSC Exams

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English Synonyms MCQ with Answers Set-20 [25 MCQs]

Q476. Drag
A. rush
B. pull
C. push
D. rest

Answer – B. Pull
Explanation-“Drag” means to pull or haul something along the ground. Among the given options, “pull” best represents the action of dragging.

Q477. Engulf
A. encroach
B. enshrine
C. entangle
D. envelop

Answer – D. Envelop
Explanation-“Engulf” means to completely surround or cover something. Among the given options, “envelop” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of engulfing.

Q478. Lethal
A. harmless
B. healthy
C. fatal
D. strong

Answer – C. Fatal
Explanation-“Lethal” means capable of causing death or deadly. Among the given options, “fatal” best represents the meaning of “lethal.”

Q479. Prevalent
A. unusual
B. common
C. rare
D. different

Answer – B. Common
Explanation-“Prevalent” means widespread or commonly occurring. Among the given options, “common” is the most suitable term to describe something that is prevalent.

Q480. Rampant
A. excessive
B. limited
C. rare
D. gentle

Answer – A. excessive
Explanation-“Rampant” means widespread and uncontrolled. Among the given options, “excessive” best represents the meaning of “rampant.”

Q481. Exempt
A. hinder
B. exclude
C. reduce
D. prevent

Answer – B. Exclude
Explanation-“Exempt” means to be excluded or not subjected to something. Among the given options, “exclude” is the most appropriate word to describe the act of exempting.

Q482. Reticent
A. silent
B. garrulous
C. extrovert
D. confident

Answer – A. silent
Explanation-“Reticent” refers to being reserved or reluctant to speak. Among the given options, “silent” best represents the meaning of “reticent.”

Q483. Fury
A. sorrow
B. anger
C. cruelty
D. fright

Answer – B. Anger
Explanation-“Fury” refers to intense anger or rage. Among the given options, “anger” is the most appropriate word to describe fury.

Q484. Sterile
A. pure
B. productive
C. barren
D. sordid

Answer – C. Barren
Explanation-“Sterile” means incapable of producing offspring or lacking in productivity. Among the given options, “barren” is the most appropriate word to describe something that is sterile.

Q485. Pensive
A. spontaneous
B. spiteful
C. reflective
D. tragic

Answer – C. Reflective
Explanation-“Pensive” means engaging in deep or serious thought. Among the given options, “reflective” best represents the meaning of “pensive.”

Q486. Vindictive
A. watchful
B. revengeful
C. forceful
D. helpful

Answer – B. Revengeful
Explanation-“Vindictive” refers to having or showing a strong desire for revenge. Among the given options, “revengeful” is the most suitable word to describe someone who is vindictive.

Q487. Lament
A. distress
B. torment
C. afflict
D. mourn

Answer – D. Mourn
Explanation-“Lament” means to express grief, sorrow, or regret. Among the given options, “mourn” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of lamenting.

Q488. Repudiate
A. renounce
B. sanction
C. regret
D. enforce

Answer – A. Renounce
Explanation-“Repudiate” means to reject or refuse to accept or support. Among the given options, “renounce” is the most suitable term to describe the act of repudiating.

Q489. Perplex
A. surprise
B. bewilder
C. complex
D. deceive

Answer –B. Bewilder
Explanation-“Perplex” means to confuse or puzzle someone. Among the given options, “bewilder” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of perplexing.

Q490. Mammoth
A. gigantic
B. minuscule
C. perilous
D. magnificent

Answer – A. Gigantic
Explanation-“Mammoth” means extremely large or huge. Among the given options, “gigantic” is the most suitable term to describe something that is mammoth.

Q491. Taciturn
A. phlegmatic
B. talkative
C. reticent
D. placid

Answer – C. Reticent
Explanation-“Taciturn” refers to being reserved or inclined to speak very little. Among the given options, “reticent” best represents the meaning of “taciturn.”

Q492. Exalt
A. challenge
B. praise
C. condemn
D. extract

Answer – B. Praise
Explanation-“Exalt” means to praise highly or elevate in rank or power. Among the given options, “praise” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of exalting.

Q493. Concise
A. brief
B. detailed
C. complex
D. lengthy

Answer –A. Brief
Explanation-“Concise” means expressing much in a few words, being brief and to the point. Among the given options, “brief” best represents the meaning of “concise.”

Q494. Renown
A. obscurity
B. fame
C. wisdom
D. conceit

Answer – B. Fame
Explanation-“Renown” refers to being widely known or famous. Among the given options, “fame” is the most suitable word to describe renown.

Q495. Devout
A. revered
B. loyal
C. pious
D. distant

Answer – C. Pious
Explanation-“Devout” means deeply religious or devoted to a particular religion or belief. Among the given options, “pious” is the most appropriate word to describe someone who is devout.

Q496. Intricate
A. complete
B. colorful
C. connected
D. complex

Answer – D. Complex
Explanation-“Intricate” means very complicated or detailed. Among the given options, “complex” best represents the meaning of “intricate.”

Q497. Assist
A. help
B. mend
C. create
D. change

Answer – A. Help
Explanation-“Assist” means to help or aid someone. Among the given options, “help” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of assisting.

Q498. Adept
A. skilled
B. kind-hearted
C. alone
D. unknown

Answer – A. Skilled
Explanation-“Adept” means highly skilled or proficient in a particular activity or field. Among the given options, “skilled” is the most suitable term to describe someone who is adept.

Q499. Initiate
A. sign
B. slow
C. start
D. show

Answer – C. Start
Explanation-“Initiate” means to begin or start something. Among the given options, “start” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of initiating.

Q500. Obstacle
A. benefit
B. clearance
C. accessory
D. barrier

Answer – D. Barrier
Explanation-“Obstacle” refers to something that blocks or hinders progress or movement. Among the given options, “barrier” is the most suitable word to describe an obstacle.

Q501. Endeavor
A. success
B. result
C. achievement
D. attempt

Answer – D. Attempt
Explanation-“Endeavour” means to make an effort or attempt to achieve something. Among the given options, “attempt” best represents the meaning of “endeavor.”

Q502. Hostility
A. enmity
B. sympathy
C. goodwill
D. friendship

Answer – A. Enmity
Explanation-“Hostility” refers to a state of being actively opposed or unfriendly. Among the given options, “enmity” is the most suitable term to describe hostility.

Q503. Attribute
A. respect
B. speech
C. praise
D. Quality

Answer –D. Quality
Explanation-“Attribute” can refer to a quality or characteristic that is associated with someone or something. Among the given options, “quality” best represents the meaning of “attribute.”

Q504. Fuse
A. correct
B. unused
C. break
D. combine

Answer – D. Combine
Explanation-“Fuse” as a verb means to join or unite together, often referring to combining separate elements into a single entity. Among the given options, “combine” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of fusing.

Q505. Amplify
A. magnify
B. electrify
C. satisfy
D. supply

Answer – A. Magnify
Explanation-“Amplify” means to increase the volume, intensity, or magnitude of something. Among the given options, “magnify” best represents the meaning of “amplify.”

Q506. Replete
A. restful
B. occupied
C. full
D. calm

Answer – C. Full
Explanation-“Replete” means filled or well-supplied with something. Among the given options, “full” is the most appropriate word to describe being replete.

Q507. Forego
A. forget
B. give up
C. ban
D. go ahead

Answer – B. Give up
Explanation-“Forego” means to abstain from or give up something. Among the given options, “give up” best represents the meaning of “forego.”

Q508. Harass
A. refuse
B. bother
C. help
D. care

Answer – B. Bother
Explanation-“Harass” means to persistently annoy, bother, or torment someone. Among the given options, “bother” is the most suitable word to describe the action of harassment.

Q509. Massive
A. thick
B. strong
C. solid
D. huge

Answer – D. Huge
Explanation-“Massive” means very large, bulky, or imposing. Among the given options, “huge” best represents the meaning of “massive.”

Q510. Feign
A. prefer
B. prepare
C. pester
D. pretend

Answer – D. Pretend
Explanation-“Feign” means to pretend to be affected by something or to fake a particular action or feeling. Among the given options, “pretend” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of feigning.

Q511. Commendable
A. praiseworthy
B. grateful
C. courteous
D. satisfying

Answer – A. Praiseworthy
Explanation-“Commendable” means deserving praise or approval. Among the given options, “praiseworthy” best represents the meaning of “commendable.”

Q512. Ecstasy
A. danger
B. fear
C. grief
D. happiness

Answer –D. Happiness
Explanation-“Ecstasy” refers to an overwhelming feeling of happiness, joy, or delight. Among the given options, “happiness” is the most suitable word to describe ecstasy.

Q513. Dame
A. man
B. female
C. lady
D. girl

Answer –C. Lady
Explanation-“Dame” is a term used to refer to a woman, particularly a respected or high-ranking woman. Among the given options, “lady” is the most appropriate word to describe a dame.

Q514. Vital
A. trivial
B. essential
C. insignificant
D. needless

Answer – B. Essential
Explanation-“Vital” means absolutely necessary or essential. Among the options, “essential” aligns best with the meaning of vital. It implies something of utmost importance or indispensability. The other options, such as “trivial” (unimportant or insignificant), “insignificant” (having little or no importance), and “needless” (unnecessary or not required), do not convey the sense of being absolutely necessary or essential associated with being vital.

Q515. Affluent
A. wealthy
B. clever
C. joyous
D. strong

Answer – A. Wealthy
Explanation-“Affluent” means having a great deal of money or wealth. Among the given options, “wealthy” is the most suitable term to describe someone who is affluent.

Q516. Extricate
A. delete
B. intricate
C. remove
D. complicate

Answer – C. Remove
Explanation-“Extricate” means to free or remove something from a difficult or tangled situation. Among the given options, “remove” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of extricating.

Q517. Radical
A. trivial
B. absolute
C. minor
D. moderate

Answer – B. Absolute
Explanation-“Radical” can refer to something extreme, fundamental, or revolutionary. Among the given options, “absolute” is the most suitable word to describe the nature of something radical.

Q518. Fillip
A. flip
B. knock
C. blow
D. boost

Answer – D. Boost
Explanation-“Fillip” can mean a stimulus, encouragement, or boost given to something. Among the given options, “boost” is the most suitable word to describe the action of fillip.

Q519. Courteous
A. Optional
B. Arrogant
C. Polite
D. Meritorious

Answer – C. Polite
Explanation-“Courteous” refers to having or showing good manners or politeness. Among the options, “polite” best represents the meaning of courteous. It implies respectful and considerate behavior. The other options, such as “optional” (not required or obligatory), “arrogant” (having an exaggerated sense of importance), and “meritorious” (deserving praise or reward), do not align with the concept of courtesy.

Q520. Tread
A. follow
B. walk
C. run
D. climb

Answer – B. Walk
Explanation-“Tread” means to walk in a specified way or on a particular surface. Among the given options, “walk” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of treading.

Q521. Damsel
A. hag
B. maiden
C. witch
D. spinster

Answer – B. Maiden
Explanation-“Damsel” is a term used to refer to a young, unmarried woman or a maiden. Among the given options, “maiden” is the most suitable word to describe a damsel.

Q522. Visionary
A. creative
B. pragmatic
C. futuristic
D. imaginative

Answer – C. Futuristic
Explanation-“Visionary” can refer to someone who has original, creative ideas and a forward-thinking approach. Among the given options, “futuristic” best represents the nature of a visionary.

Q523. Profess
A. lead
B. teach
C. predict
D. admit

Answer – B. Teach
Explanation-“Profess” means to declare or claim openly. However, among the given options, the word that closely relates to teaching is “teach.” Professing is often associated with expressing knowledge or expertise in a particular subject, which aligns with the act of teaching.

Q524. Fake
A. false
B. real
C. factual
D. genuine

Answer – A. False
Explanation-“Fake” refers to something that is not genuine or authentic, but rather a counterfeit or imitation. Among the given options, “false” is the word that best represents the meaning of “fake.”

Q525. Substitute
A. replace
B. reserve
C. displace
D. avoid

Answer –A. Replace
Explanation-“Substitute” means to replace or take the place of something or someone. Among the given options, “replace” is the most suitable word to describe the action of substituting.

Q526. Hardship
A. mystery
B. misery
C. difficult
D. privacy

Answer – B. Misery
Explanation-“Hardship” refers to severe suffering, difficulty, or discomfort. Among the given options, “misery” is the word that best represents the state of hardship.

Q527. Gratuitous
A. voluntary
B. confidential
C. grateful
D. unnecessary

Answer – D. Unnecessary
Explanation-“Gratuitous” means being given or done without a reason or justification, often referring to something unnecessary or uncalled for. Among the given options, “unnecessary” is the word that best represents the meaning of “gratuitous.”

Q528. Execute
A. apply
B. occupy
C. variety
D. implement

Answer –D. Implement
Explanation-“Execute” means to carry out or put into effect a plan, action, or order. Among the given options, “implement” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of executing.

Q529. Vagabond
A. tourist
B. pilgrim
C. visitor
D. tramp

Answer – D. Tramp
Explanation-“Vagabond” refers to a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job, often with connotations of poverty or homelessness. Among the given options, “tramp” is the most suitable word to describe a vagabond.

Q530. Compliant
A. submissive
B. protestor
C. obdurate
D. resolute

Answer –A. Submissive
Explanation-“Compliant” means obedient, easily influenced, or willing to conform to rules or requests. Among the given options, “submissive” is the most appropriate word to describe someone who is compliant.

Q531. Launching
A. introducing
B. driving
C. running
D. navigation

Answer – A. Introducing
Explanation-“Launching” refers to the act of introducing or starting something, such as a new product, initiative, or event. Among the given options, “introducing” is the word that best represents the meaning of “launching.”

Q532. Stimulation
A. enthusiasm
B. indolence
C. provocation
D. eagerness

Answer – C. Provocation
Explanation-“Stimulation” refers to the action of provoking or inciting a response, usually in terms of arousing interest, excitement, or activity. Among the given options, “provocation” is the most suitable word to describe the action of stimulation.

Q533. Replaced
A. removed
B. moved
C. instituted
D. substituted

Answer – D. Substituted
Explanation-“Replaced” means to substitute or exchange one thing for another. Among the given options, “substituted” is the word that best represents the action of replacing.

Q534. Contaminating
A. investing
B. polluting
C. containing
D. encompassing

Answer – B. Polluting
Explanation-“Contaminating” means causing pollution or making something impure by introducing harmful substances or elements. Among the given options, “polluting” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of contaminating.

Q535. Infuse
A. feel
B. fill
C. enrich
D. apply

Answer – C. Enrich
Explanation-“Infuse” means to fill or pervade something with a particular quality or substance. Among the given options, “enrich” is the most suitable word to describe the action of infusing.

Q536. Persuade
A. mislead
B. argue
C. dissuade
D. convince

Answer – D. Convince
Explanation-“Persuade” means to convince or influence someone to do or believe something through reasoning or argument. Among the given options, “convince” is the word that best represents the action of persuading.

Q537. Indistinguishable
A. comparable
B. profound
C. reflective
D. equivalent

Answer –D. Equivalent
Explanation-“Indistinguishable” means not being able to be identified as different or distinct from something else, often suggesting similarity or equality. Among the given options, “equivalent” is the most suitable word to describe something that is indistinguishable.

Q538. Discern
A. discriminate
B. control
C. regulate
D. analyze

Answer –A. Discriminate
Explanation-“Discern” means to perceive or recognize something, often with a sense of clarity or discrimination. Among the given options, “discriminate” is the most appropriate word to describe the action of discerning.

Q539. Remedy
A. bearing
B. healing
C. cure
D. restore

Answer – C. Cure
Explanation-The correct answer is “Remedy” refers to a solution or treatment for a problem or ailment. Among the given options, “cure” best represents the meaning of “remedy.”

Q540. Contravene
A. Breach
B. Broach
C. Flaunt
D. Brake

Answer – A. Breach
Explanation-“Contravene” means to violate or go against a law, rule, or principle. Among the given options, “Breach” is the word that best represents the meaning of “contravene.”

Q541. Lyrical
A. Brilliant
B. Overwhelming
C. Prosaic
D. Musical

Answer –D. Musical
Explanation-“Lyrical” often refers to something poetic or expressive, especially in terms of musical quality. Among the given options, “Musical” is the most suitable word to describe the characteristic of being lyrical.

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