English Synonyms MCQ with Answers: Asked in Previous Year SSC Exams

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English Synonyms MCQ with Answers Set-4 [25 MCQs]

Q76. Wistful
A. Contented
B. Happy
C. Shallow
D. Sorrowful

Answer – D. Sorrowful
Explanation-“Wistful” refers to a feeling of longing, melancholy, or sadness, often accompanied by a slight desire for something that is unattainable or in the past. “Sorrowful” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating a state of deep sadness or grief.

Q77. Apparently
A. Seemingly
B. Considerably
C. Unlikely
D. Questionably

Answer –A. Seemingly
Explanation-“Apparently” means something that appears to be true or evident based on the available information or evidence. “Seemingly” is the most appropriate synonym, suggesting an appearance or impression that may or may not be entirely accurate.

Q78. Engulf
A. Dry
B. Uncover
C. Neglect
D. Inundate

Answer – D. Inundate
Explanation-“Engulf” means to completely surround or cover someone or something, often with a large quantity of something. The option that best represents this meaning is “inundate,” which means to overwhelm or flood with a large amount of something.

Q79. Salient
A. Sturdy
B. Navigable
C. Marine
D. Noticeable

Answer – D. Noticeable
Explanation-“Salient” refers to something that is prominent, significant, or conspicuous. “Noticeable” is the most suitable synonym, indicating something that can be easily observed or detected.

Q80. Novice
A. Expert
B. Silent
C. Beginner
D. Adept

Answer – C. Beginner
Explanation- A “novice” refers to a person who is new to or inexperienced in a particular activity or field. “Beginner” is the most suitable synonym, indicating someone who is just starting to learn or engage in something.

Q81. Dearth
A. Death
B. Weakness
C. Leakage
D. Shortage

Answer –D. Shortage
Explanation-“Dearth” refers to scarcity or lack of something, often implying an insufficient quantity or supply. “Shortage” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating a deficiency or insufficiency.

Q82. Adept
A. Clumsy
B. Rough
C. Lazy
D. Skilled

Answer – D. Skilled
Explanation-“Adept” refers to someone who is highly skilled, proficient, or accomplished in a particular activity or field. “Skilled” is the most appropriate synonym, suggesting expertise or competence in a specific area.

Q83. Morose
A. Cheerful
B. Sad
C. Jovial
D. Delighted

Answer – B. Sad
Explanation-“Morose” describes a gloomy, sullen, or melancholic mood or disposition. “Sad” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting a feeling of unhappiness or sorrow.

Q84. Despicable
A. Commendable
B. Laudable
C. Contemptible
D. Desirable

Answer – C. Contemptible
Explanation-“Despicable” refers to something or someone deserving of contempt, scorn, or strong disapproval due to their low moral character or actions. “Contemptible” is the most suitable synonym, indicating something that is worthy of being despised or looked down upon.

Q85. Efficacious
A. Voracious
B. Effective
C. Audacious
D. Impotent

Answer – B. Effective
Explanation-“Efficacious” means producing or capable of producing a desired effect or result, often associated with being effective or successful. The option that best represents this meaning is “effective.”

Q86. Callous
A. Inaccurate
B. Insensitive
C. Incredible
D. Inexperienced

Answer – B. Insensitive
Explanation-“Callous” refers to being unfeeling, unsympathetic, or lacking compassion towards others. “Insensitive” is the most appropriate synonym, suggesting a lack of sensitivity or empathy.

Q87. Condemn
A. Commend
B. Denounce
C. Approve
D. Compliment

Answer – B. Denounce
Explanation-“Condemn” means to express strong disapproval or criticism of someone or something. The option that best represents this meaning is “denounce.”

Q88. Bonhomie
A. Deceit
B. Companionship
C. Irritation
D. Fickleness

Answer – B. Companionship
Explanation-“Bonhomie” refers to a friendly and cheerful atmosphere or a good-natured camaraderie among people. “Companionship” is the most suitable synonym, indicating a sense of fellowship or social connection.

Q89. Encroach
A. Disregard
B. Ignore
C. Intrude
D. Forget

Answer – C. Intrude
Explanation-“Encroach” means to intrude upon or invade someone’s space, territory, or rights. “Intrude” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting an unwelcome or unauthorized entry.

Q90. Livid
A. Furious
B. Timid
C. Mild
D. Lively

Answer –A. Furious
Explanation-“Livid” describes an intense or extreme state of anger, rage, or fury. “Furious” is the most suitable synonym, indicating a high level of anger or indignation

Q91. Imitate
A. Mimic
B. Effect
C. Disregard
D. Enlighten

Answer – A. Mimic
Explanation-“Imitate” means to copy or mimic someone or something, often with the intention of reproducing their behavior, actions, or characteristics. “Mimic” is the most appropriate synonym, suggesting an act of imitation or replication.

Q92. Paranoid
A. Impeccable
B. Suspicious
C. Encouraging
D. Trusting

Answer – B. Suspicious
Explanation-“Paranoid” describes a state of excessive or irrational suspicion, distrust, or fear of others. “Suspicious” is the most suitable synonym, indicating a feeling of doubt or mistrust.

Q93. Zeal
A. Apathy
B. Indifference
C. Enthusiasm
D. Sluggishness

Answer – C. Enthusiasm
Explanation-“Zeal” refers to great passion, enthusiasm, or fervor for something. “Enthusiasm” is the most appropriate synonym, suggesting an intense excitement or eagerness.

Q94. Inevitable
A. Evitable
B. Definite
C. Avoidable
D. Unavoidable

Answer – D. Unavoidable
Explanation-“Inevitable” means something that is certain to happen or cannot be avoided. “Unavoidable” is the most suitable synonym, indicating an event or outcome that cannot be prevented.

Q95. Delectable
A. Luscious
B. Horrible
C. Unpleasant
D. Offensive

Answer – A. Luscious
Explanation-“Delectable” means extremely pleasing or delicious. “Luscious” is the most suitable synonym, indicating something highly enjoyable or tasty.

Q96. Forsake
A. Desert
B. Hold
C. Claim
D. Help

Answer – A. Desert
Explanation-“Forsake” means to abandon or leave someone or something behind. “Desert” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating the act of forsaking or leaving.

Q97. Profuse
A. Meagre
B. Abundant
C. Limited
D. Consistent

Answer –B. Abundant
Explanation-“Profuse” describes something that is plentiful, abundant, or overflowing. “Abundant” is the most suitable synonym, indicating a large quantity or excessive amount.

Q98. Prodigy
A. Anger
B. Genius
C. Plight
D. Tranquil

Answer –B. Genius
Explanation-“Prodigy” refers to a person, especially a young one, who displays exceptional talent or ability in a particular field. Among the options, “genius” aligns best with the meaning of prodigy. It implies extraordinary intellectual or creative power. The other options, such as “anger” (strong feeling of displeasure or rage), “plight” (difficult or adverse situation), and “tranquil” (calm or peaceful), do not convey the sense of exceptional talent or ability associated with being a prodigy.

Q99. Dilemma
A. Predicament
B. Importance
C. Attraction
D. Fascination

Answer – A. Predicament
Explanation-“Dilemma” refers to a difficult or perplexing situation in which a choice must be made between two equally undesirable options. “Predicament” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating a challenging or problematic situation.

Q100. Emerge
A. Appear
B. Erase
C. Close
D. Enforce

Answer – A. Appear
Explanation-“Emerge” means to come forth, appear, or become visible. “Appear” is the most suitable synonym, indicating the act of becoming visible or coming into view.

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