English Synonyms MCQ with Answers: Asked in Previous Year SSC Exams

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English Synonyms MCQ with Answers Set-7 [25 MCQs]

Q151. Motive
A. Reason
B. Benefit
C. Chance
D. Utility

Answer – A. Reason
Explanation-“Motive” refers to a reason or underlying cause that prompts a person to act in a particular way. “Reason” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating a logical or rational justification or explanation for an action or belief.

Q152. Feign
A. Hinder
B. Instruct
C. Foretell
D. Pretend

Answer – D. Pretend
Explanation-“Feign” means to pretend or fake something, often by giving a false appearance or imitation. The option that best represents this meaning is “pretend.”

Q153. Reluctant
A. Unwilling
B. Afraid
C. Steady
D. Pleased

Answer – A. Unwilling
Explanation-“Reluctant” describes someone who is hesitant or unwilling to do something. “Unwilling” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting a lack of willingness or resistance to taking a particular action.

Q154. Fiction
A. Fact
B. Truth
C. Literature
D. Fantasy

Answer – D. Fantasy
Explanation-“Fiction” refers to imaginative or invented stories, characters, or events. “Fantasy” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting a genre of fiction characterized by elements of magic, supernatural phenomena, or imaginative elements.

Q155. Accurate
A. Appropriate
B. Correct
C. Sincere
D. Complete

Answer – B. Correct
Explanation-“Accurate” means correct, precise, or free from error. “Correct” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating the quality of being accurate or in accordance with the facts or truth.

Q156. Condone
A. Forbid
B. Forgive
C. Prevent
D. Impose

Answer – B. Forgive
Explanation-“Condone” means to forgive, overlook, or accept something that is considered morally wrong or unacceptable. “Forgive” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting the act of pardoning or showing mercy for an offense or wrongdoing.

Q157. Revive
A. Restore
B. Damage
C. Depress
D. Review

Answer – A. Restore
Explanation-“Revive” means to bring back to life, restore vitality, or renew. “Restore” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating the act of returning something to its original or previous state.

Q158. Ramification
A. Inception
B. Satisfaction
C. Source
D. Consequence

Answer – D. Consequence
Explanation-“Ramification” refers to the consequences or results that arise from a particular action, decision, or event. “Consequence” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting the outcome or effect of something.

Q159. Efficiency
A. Capability
B. Tendency
C. Fluency
D. Disability

Answer – A. Capability
Explanation-“Efficiency” describes the ability to accomplish tasks or achieve goals with minimal wasted effort, time, or resources. “Capability” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating the capacity or potential to perform effectively or efficiently.

Q160. Astonishment
A. Wonder
B. Composure
C. Fright
D. Expectation

Answer – A. Wonder
Explanation-“Astonishment” refers to a feeling of great surprise, wonder, or amazement. “Wonder” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting a state of awe, marvel, or curiosity.

Q161. Condescending
A. Stimulating
B. Patronising
C. Creating
D. Accusing

Answer – B. Patronising
Explanation-“Condescending” describes someone who displays an attitude of superiority or patronizing behavior towards others. “Patronising” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating a manner of speaking or behaving that belittles or looks down upon others.

Q162. Accurately
A. Moderately
B. Correctly
C. Promptly
D. Partially

Answer – B. Correctly
Explanation-“Accurately” means doing something in a correct, precise, or exact manner. “Correctly” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting accuracy, precision, or adherence to a standard or expectation.

Q163. Assertion
A. Continuation
B. Declaration
C. Rejection
D. Discussion

Answer – B. Declaration
Explanation- “Assertion” refers to the act of stating a fact or belief confidently and forcefully. “Declaration” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating a formal or explicit statement or announcement.

Q164. Catastrophe
A. Expansion
B. Calamity
C. Prosperity
D. Restraint

Answer – B. Calamity
Explanation-“Catastrophe” refers to a sudden and widespread disaster or event that causes great damage or suffering. “Calamity” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating a disastrous or catastrophic event.

Q165. Guile
A. Intuition
B. Surfeit
C. Sincerity
D. Deceit

Answer – D. Deceit
Explanation-“Guile” refers to cunning or deceitful behavior, often characterized by dishonesty or trickery. “Deceit” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting the act of deliberately misleading or deceiving others.

Q166. Furtive
A. Secretive
B. Abortive
C. Adhesive
D. Positive

Answer – A. Secretive
Explanation-“Furtive” describes something done in a secretive or stealthy manner, often to avoid being noticed or detected. “Secretive” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating a tendency to keep things hidden or confidential.

Q167. Agile
A. Visible
B. Guile
C. Nimble
D. Docile

Answer –C. Nimble
Explanation-“Agile” refers to the ability to move quickly, easily, and with flexibility. “Nimble” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting physical or mental agility and dexterity.

Q168. Regime
A. Territory
B. Rule
C. Space
D. Country

Answer – B. Rule
Explanation-“Regime” refers to a system of rule or governance. Therefore, “rule” is the most appropriate synonym as it signifies the governing authority or a set of regulations.

Q169. Insidious
A. Crafty
B. Benevolent
C. Sincere
D. Callous

Answer – A. Crafty
Explanation-“Insidious” describes something that is treacherous, sly, or deceitful in a gradual or subtle way. “Crafty” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating cunning, cleverness, or skillful deception.

Q170. Diligent
A. Untiring
B. Lethargic
C. Weary
D. Inattentive

Answer – A. Untiring
Explanation-“Diligent” refers to someone who is hardworking, thorough, and persevering in their efforts. “Untiring” is the most suitable synonym, suggesting a continuous or unwavering commitment to a task or goal.

Q171. Opulent
A. Distant
B. Virulent
C. Luxurious
D. Shabby
Answer: Explanation:

Answer – C. Luxurious
Explanation-“Opulent” describes something that is luxurious, lavish, or characterized by wealth and abundance. “Luxurious” is the most appropriate synonym, indicating a state of extreme comfort, elegance, or indulgence.

Q172. Erode
A. fix
B. disintegrate
C. preserve
D. build

Answer – B. Disintegrate
Explanation-“Erode” means to gradually wear away or disintegrate through the action of wind, water, or other natural agents. Among the options, “disintegrate” aligns best with the meaning of erode. It implies breaking down or crumbling into smaller parts. The other options, such as “fix” (repair or mend), “preserve” (maintain or protect from decay), and “build” (construct or create), do not convey the sense of wearing away or gradual disintegration associated with eroding.

Q173. Conceited
A. Arrogant
B. Diffident
C. Tentative
D. Inferior

Answer – A. Arrogant
Explanation-“Conceited” describes someone who is excessively proud, self-centered, or has an exaggerated sense of their own importance. “Arrogant” is the most suitable synonym, indicating a high level of self-importance or superiority.

Q174. Dedicated
A. Boring
B. Committed
C. Tedious
D. Dreary

Answer – B. Committed
Explanation-“Dedicated” means showing strong commitment, devotion, or loyalty. Among the given options, “committed” best aligns with the meaning of “dedicated.”

Q175. Foliage
A. Foolishness
B. Urgency
C. Firmness
D. Greenery

Answer – D. Greenery
Explanation-“Foliage” refers to the leaves or greenery of plants collectively, often in the context of trees, shrubs, or vegetation. “Greenery” is the most suitable synonym, indicating an abundance of green foliage or plant life.

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