National Parks in India [2024]: Complete Notes

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Here is the latest updated list of National Parks in India. At Present India has 106 National parks. All the important information about the national parks is given here keeping in mind various competitive examinations like SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL, WBCS, Banking, RAIL, UPSC, CDS, and all state PSCs.

What is a National Park?

Whether within a sanctuary or not, an area can be notified by the state government to be constituted as a National Park.

A National Park aims to protect a particular region’s ecological, faunal, floral, geomorphological, or zoological association.

National Parks in India are declared under the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972.

National parks in India are IUCN category II protected areas.

Some Important Terms


✓ All the plant life in a particular region or time is known as Flora. In other words, flora are naturally occurring (indigenous) native plants.


✓ Just like flora, Fauna is all of the animal life present in a particular region or time. In other words, fauna is the animals of a certain region, habitat, or geological period.

IUCN Category II: National Park

✓ Large natural or near natural areas are set aside to protect large-scale ecological processes, along with the complement of species and ecosystems characteristic of the area.

✓ The primary objective is to protect natural biodiversity, its underlying ecological structure, and supporting environmental processes.

Source: IUCN Category II: National Park

About IUCN

✓ Full form – International Union for Conservation of Nature.

✓ Function – It works in the field of nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.
✓ Foundation year – 5 October 1948

✓ Headquarters – Gland, Switzerland
✓ Members – 1,400
✓ Director-General – Dr. Bruno Oberle
✓ President – Zhang Xinsheng

✅ Read Also: UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India with Maps and Key Facts

Features of National Park

The proposal authority for notifying lands included in national parks is vested in the state government.

After the declaration of the National Park, the State Government can’t alter the boundary of the National Park without the recommendation of the National Board.

The grazing of livestock is strictly prohibited in national parks.

Only those animals are allowed to enter the national park, which is used as a vehicle by a person who is allowed to enter it.

The poaching, exploitation, or removal of wildlife, including forestry products, from a national park is strictly prohibited.

People living around the national parks cannot use the parks for commercial purposes or private activities.

Any developmental, industrial, hunting, and cultivation activities are prohibited.

🔗 Source:Section 35 in The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972

List of National Parks in India 2024

Sl. No Name of State National Park Name Year
1 Andhra Pradesh Papikonda 2008
2 Andhra Pradesh Rajiv Gandhi (Rameswaram) 2005
3 Andhra Pradesh Sri Venkateswara 1989
4 Arunachal Pradesh Mouling 1986
5 Arunachal Pradesh Namdapha 1974
6 Assam Dibru-Saikhowa 1999
7 Assam Kaziranga 1974
8 Assam Manas 1990
9 Assam Nameri 1978
10 Assam Rajiv Gandhi (Orang) 1999
11 Bihar Valmiki 1976
12 Chhattisgarh Guru Ghasidas (Sanjay) 1981
13 Chhattisgarh Indravati (Kutru) 1981
14 Chhattisgarh Kanger Valley 1982
15 Goa Mollem 1978
16 Gujarat Blackbuck (Velavadar) 1976
17 Gujarat Gir 1975
18 Gujarat Marine (Gulf of Kachchh) 1982
19 Gujarat Vansda 1979
20 Haryana Kalesar 2003
21 Haryana Sultanpur 1989
22 Himachal Pradesh Great Himalayan 1984
23 Himachal Pradesh Inderkilla 2010
24 Himachal Pradesh Khirganga 2010
25 Himachal Pradesh Pin Valley 1987
26 Himachal Pradesh Col. Sherjung Simbalbara 2010
27 Jharkhand Betla 1986
28 Karnataka Anshi 1987
29 Karnataka Bandipur 1974
30 Karnataka Bannerghatta 1974
31 Karnataka Kudremukh 1987
32 Karnataka Nagarahole (Rajiv Gandhi) 1988
33 Kerala Anamudi Shola 2003
34 Kerala Eravikulam 1978
35 Kerala Mathikettan Shola 2003
36 Kerala Pambadum Shola 2003
37 Kerala Periyar 1982
38 Kerala Silent Valley 1984
39 Madhya Pradesh Bandhavgarh 1968
40 Madhya Pradesh Dinosaur Fossils 2011
41 Madhya Pradesh Fossil 1983
42 Madhya Pradesh Pench 1975
43 Madhya Pradesh Kanha 1955
44 Madhya Pradesh Kuno 2018
45 Madhya Pradesh Madhav 1959
46 Madhya Pradesh Panna 1981
47 Madhya Pradesh Sanjay 1981
48 Madhya Pradesh Satpura 1981
49 Madhya Pradesh Van Vihar
50 Maharashtra Chandoli 2004
51 Maharashtra Gugamal 1975
52 Maharashtra Nawegaon 1975
53 Maharashtra Pench (Jawaharlal Nehru) 1975
54 Maharashtra Sanjay Gandhi (Borivilli) 1983
55 Maharashtra Tadoba 1955
56 Manipur Keibul-Lamjao 1977
57 Manipur Shiroi 1977
58 Meghalaya Balphakram 1986
59 Meghalaya Nokrek Ridge 1997
60 Mizoram Murlen 1991
61 Mizoram Phawngpui (Blue Mountain) 1992
62 Nagaland Intanki 1993
63 Odisha Bhitarkanika 1988
64 Odisha Simlipal 1980
65 Rajasthan Desert 1992
66 Rajasthan Keoladeo Ghana 1981
67 Rajasthan Mukundra Hills 2006
68 Rajasthan Ranthambhore 1980
69 Rajasthan Sariska 1992
70 Sikkim Khangchendzonga 1977
71 Tamil Nadu Guindy 1976
72 Tamil Nadu Gulf of Mannar Marine 1980
73 Tamil Nadu Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) 1989
74 Tamil Nadu Mudumalai 1990
75 Tamil Nadu Mukurthi 1990
76 Telangana Kasu Brahmananda Reddy 1994
77 Telangana Mahaveer Harina Vanasthali 1994
78 Telangana Mrugavani 1994
79 Tripura Clouded Leopard 2007
80 Tripura Bison (Rajbari) 2007
81 Uttar Pradesh Dudhwa 1977
82 Uttarakhand Corbett 1936
83 Uttarakhand Gangotri 1989
84 Uttarakhand Govind 1990
85 Uttarakhand Nanda Devi 1982
86 Uttarakhand Rajaji 1983
87 Uttarakhand Valley of Flowers 1982
88 West Bengal Buxa 1992
89 West Bengal Gorumara 1992
90 West Bengal Jaldapara 2014
91 West Bengal Neora Valley 1986
92 West Bengal Singalila 1986
93 West Bengal Sunderban 1984
94 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Campbell Bay 1992
95 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Galathea Bay 1992
96 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Mahatama Gandhi Marine (Wandoor) 1983
97 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Mount Harriett 1987
98 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Rani Jhansi Marine 1996
99 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Saddle Peak 1987
100 Jammu & Kashmir City Forest (Salim Ali) 1992
101 Jammu & Kashmir Dachigam 1981
102 Jammu & Kashmir Kazinag 2000
103 Jammu & Kashmir Kishtwar High Altitute 1981
104 Ladakh Hemis 1981
105 Assam Dehing Patkai 2021
106 Assam Raimona National Park 2021

State-wise National Parks in India

Andhra Pradesh

Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Papikonda 2008
2 Rajiv Gandhi (Rameswaram) 2005
3 Sri Venkateswara 1989

Arunachal Pradesh

Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Mouling 1986
2 Namdapha 1974


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Dibru-Saikhowa 1999
2 Kaziranga 1974
3 Manas 1990
4 Nameri 1978
5 Rajiv Gandhi (Orang) 1999
6 Dehing Patkai 2021
7 Raimona National Park 2021


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Valmiki 1976


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Guru Ghasidas (Sanjay) 1981
2 Indravati (Kutru) 1981
3 Kanger Valley 1982


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Mollem 1978


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Blackbuck (Velavadar) 1976
2 Gir 1975
3 Marine (Gulf of Kachchh) 1982
4 Vansda 1979


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Kalesar 2003
2 Sultanpur 1989

Himachal Pradesh

Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Great Himalayan 1984
2 Inderkilla 2010
3 Khirganga 2010
4 Pin Valley 1987
5 Col. Sherjung Simbalbara 2010


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Betla 1986


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Anshi 1987
2 Bandipur 1974
3 Bannerghatta 1974
4 Kudremukh 1987
5 Nagarahole (Rajiv Gandhi) 1988


Sl. No Name of Park Year
1 Anamudi Shola 2003
2 Eravikulam 1978
3 Mathikettan Shola 2003
4 Pambadum Shola 2003
5 Periyar 1982
6 Silent Valley 1984

Madhya Pradesh

Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Bandhavgarh 1968
2 Dinosaur Fossils 2011
3 Fossil 1983
4 Pench 1975
5 Kanha 1955
6 Kuno 2018
7 Madhav 1959
8 Panna 1981
9 Sanjay 1981
10 Satpura 1981
11 Van Vihar


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Chandoli 2004
2 Gugamal 1975
3 Nawegaon 1975
4 Pench (Jawaharlal Nehru) 1975
5 Sanjay Gandhi (Borivilli) 1983
6 Tadoba 1955


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Keibul-Lamjao 1977
2 Shiroi 1977


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Balphakram 1986
2 Nokrek Ridge 1997


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Murlen 1991
2 Phawngpui (Blue Mountain) 1992


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Bhitarkanika 1988
2 Simlipal 1980


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Desert 1992
2 Keoladeo Ghana 1981
3 Mukundra Hills 2006
4 Ranthambhore 1980
5 Sariska 1992


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Khangchendzonga 1977

Tamil Nadu

Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Guindy 1976
2 Gulf of Mannar Marine 1980
3 Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) 1989
4 Mudumalai 1990
5 Mukurthi 1990


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Kasu Brahmananda Reddy 1994
2 Mahaveer Harina Vanasthali 1994
3 Mrugavani 1994


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Clouded Leopard 2007
2 Bison (Rajbari) 2007

Uttar Pradesh

Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Dudhwa 1977


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Corbett 1936
2 Gangotri 1989
3 Govind 1990
4 Nanda Devi 1982
5 Rajaji 1983
6 Valley of Flowers 1982

West Bengal

Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Buxa 1992
2 Gorumara 1992
3 Jaldapara 2014
4 Neora Valley 1986
5 Singalila 1986
6 Sunderban 1984

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Campbell Bay 1992
2 Galathea Bay 1992
3 Mahatama Gandhi Marine (Wandoor) 1983
4 Mount Harriett 1987
5 Rani Jhansi Marine 1996
6 Saddle Peak 1987

Jammu & Kashmir

Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 City Forest (Salim Ali) 1992
2 Dachigam 1981
3 Kazinag 2000
4 Kishtwar High Altitute 1981


Sl. No National Park Name Year
1 Hemis 1981

National Parks in India 2024 map

The following map illustrates the locations of the 106 national parks in India.

List of National Parks in India
List of National Parks in India

How many national parks in India?

  • According to official data, we currently have 106 national parks.
  • Previously, there were 104 National Parks.
  • In May 2021, two new National Parks were added to this list.
  • Both the new National Parks are located in the state of Assam.
  1. Raimona National Park
  2. Dihang Patkai National Park
  • 104th National Park ➥ Kuno National Park, Madhya Pradesh
  • 105th National Park ➥ Raimona National Park, Assam
  • 106th National Park ➥ Dihang Patkai National Park, Assam

Fact about the newly added National Parks

Raimona National Park

  • Raimona National Park is located in the Kokrajhar district of Assam.
  • It formed a boundary with the Sonkosh River along the inter-state boundary of West Bengal and the Saralbhanga River in Assam.
  • Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma declared Raimona a National Park on World Environmental Day.
  • The Raimona National Park is located at the Kachugaon forest division.
  • Raimona National Park is the 6th National Park of Assam.
  • The Park is famous for the Golden Langur, an endemic species.

Dihang Patkai National Park

  • Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Assam’s easternmost districts of Dibrugarh and Tinsukia.
  • Previously, it was a wildlife sanctuary called Dihang Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • Recently, the Government of Assam decided to upgrade the status of Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary to a National Park.
  • Dehing River, which originates from the mountains of Arunachal Pradesh, flows through the sanctuary.
  • Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary is also known as the “Amazon of the East” or ” Jeypore Rainforest.”
  • It is the 7th National Park of Assam.
  • Some rare Dihang Patkai National Park species are the Flying Fox, Clouded Leopard, Chinese Pangolin, and Assam macaque.
  • White Winged Wood Duck is a rare endangered species of this park.

Famous species of some National Parks

Sl No. National Parks States Key species
1 Dibru-Saikhowa Assam Feral horse
2 Govind Pashu Vihar Uttarakhand Snow Leopard
3 Gorumara (West Bengal) West Bengal Rhinoceros
4 Mukurthi Tamil Nadu Nilgiri Tahr
• State animal of Tamil Nadu
5 Desert Rajasthan Great Indian Bustard
6 Mrugavani Telangana Spotted Deer (Chital)
7 Kanha Madhya Pradesh Barasingha or Swamp deer
8 Mahaveer Harina Vanasthali Telangana Blackbuck
* State animal of –
• Punjab
• Haryana
• Andhra Pradesh
9 Bhitarkanika Odisha Saltwater Crocodile
10 Gulf of Mannar Tamil Nadu Dugong (sea cow)
11 Dachigam Jammu and Kashmir Hangul
• State animal of J&K
12 Clouded Leopard Tripura Clouded Leopard
• State animal of Meghalaya
13 Kaziranga Assam One Horned Rhino
14 Sultanpur Haryana Bird Sanctuaries
15 Gir Gujarat Asiatic Lions
16 Great Himalayan Himachal Pradesh Snow Leopard

Some National Parks in India are named after famous persons

National Park State Person associated
Jim Corbett National Park Uttarakhand ✓ British Tiger Hunter ‘Jim Corbett’
Kasu Brahmananda Reddy park Telangana ✓ CM of Undivided Andhra Pradesh Kasu Brahmananda Reddy
Rajaji National Park Uttarakhand ✓ C Rajagopalachari
• Last Governor-General of India
• First Indian Governor General.of Independent India
Guru Ghasidas National Park or Sanjay National Park Chhattisgarh ✓Saint Guru Ghasidas
• Founder of Satnami (truth) community in Chhattisgarh
Rameshvaram National Park Andhra Pradesh ✓Rajiv Gandhi
• Rajiv Gandhi National Park (Rameswaram)
Orang National Park Assam ✓ Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park
Nagarhole National Park Karnataka ✓Rajiv Gandhi (Rajiv Gandhi National Park)
Borivali National Park Maharashtra ✓Sanjay Gandhi (Sanjay Gandhi National Park )
Pench National Park
• Not to be confused with Pench National Park (Madhya Pradesh)
Maharashtra ✓ Jawaharlal Nehru (Jawaharlal Nehru National Park)
Anamalai Tiger Reserve Tamil Nadu ✓ Indira Gandhi (Indira Gandhi National Park)
Marine National Park Andaman and Nicobar Islands ✓Mahatma Gandhi ( Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park)
Rani Jhansi Marine National Park Andaman and Nicobar Islands ✓ Lakshmibai, the Rani of Jhansi

State-wise Number of National Parks

Sl. No.State & UTNo. of NPArea (km2)% of State Area
1Andaman & Nicobar Islands61,216.9514.75
2Andhra Pradesh31368.870.85
3Arunachal Pradesh22,290.822.74
8Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu00.000.00
13Himachal Pradesh52,256.284.05
14Jammu & Kashmir42432.451.49
20Madhya Pradesh114349.141.41
31Tamil Nadu5827.510.64
34Uttar Pradesh1490.000.20
36West Bengal61,981.482.23
TOTAL NO. OF NATIONAL PARK10644,402.951.35

💢 Key Findings from the Table:

  • Madhya Pradesh boasts the highest number of national parks, totaling 11.
  • Following closely behind, Assam has 7 national parks.
  • Four states (West Bengal, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Kerala) and one Union Territory (Andaman & Nicobar Islands) each have five national parks.
  • Khangchendzonga National Park in Sikkim covers the largest percentage of the state, accounting for 25.14 percent of its area.
  • Bihar, Goa, Jharkhand, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, and Ladakh each have one national park.

Important one-liner about National Parks in India

Q1. Total National Parks in India in 2022?
Answer: 106

Q2. What is the largest National Park in Terms of the area?
Answer. Hemis National Park (Ladakh, 3350 sq. Km)

Q3. Smallest National Park in Terms of Area
Answer. South Button Island National Park. (Andaman & Nicobar Island)

Q4. South Button Island National Park is a part of
Answer. Rani Jhansi Marine National Park of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Q5. Only Floating National Park of India
Answer. Keibul Lamjao National Park, Manipur

Q6. Keibul Lamjao Floating National Park is located in
Answer. Loktak Lake

Q7. First Marine National Park
Answer. Gulf of Kutchh National Park

Q8. The only area where the Kashmir stag is found
Answer. Dachigam National Park, Jammu, and Kashmir

Q9. First national park in India
Answer. Jim Corbett National Park

Q10. Jim Corbett National Park is previously known as
Answer. Hailey National Park

Q11. Kalesar National Park is located on the Bank of
Answer. Yamuna river

Q12. Kanger Valley / Ghati National Park (Chhattisgarh) was named after the…….?
Answer. Kanger river

Q13. Sundarban National Park (West Bengal) famous for
Answer. Sundori Tree, Mangroves Forests

Q14. The Keoladeo Ghana National Park is previously known as
Answer. Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary

Q15. Mollem National Park (Goa) also known as
Answer. Bhagwan Mahaveer National Park.

Q16. Valmiki National Park (Bihar) located on the bank of
Answer. River Gandak

Q17. Largest national park of Chhattisgarh?
Answer. Guru Ghasidas National Park

Q18. Second oldest National Park of India
Answer. Mudumalai National Park (Tamil Nadu)

Q19. Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Jungle Book’ was set in the
Answer. Pench National Park

Q20. How many national parks in India?
Answer. As of 2022, India has 106 National Parks.

FAQs about National Parks in India

Q1. How many national parks are in India?

As of 2024, India has 106 National Parks.

Q2. How many new national parks are there in India?

Raimona and Dehing Patkai are two newly declared national parks in Assam.

Q3. Which is the largest National Park in India?

Hemis National Park (Ladakh, 3350 sq. Km)

Q4. Which is the last national park in India?

Raimona National Park is India’s 106th or most recently declared national park.

Q5. Which was the first national park?

Jim Corbett National Park is the oldest or first national park in India.

Q6. Which state has the highest national park in India?

Madhya Pradesh
Currently, Madhya Pradesh has 11, the highest number of National Parks in the country.

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