Computer awareness, like other subjects, is an important topic for all competitive exams, such as banking, insurance, SSC, RRB, etc. Although the weight of numbers for computer awareness is much less, all the questions asked on these topics can be answered very easily.
List of Computer Abbreviations
Here is the full list of important  Computer Abbreviations. At the end of this post, there is a link for downloading PDFs on this topic.
Computer Abbreviations, Basic
PC | Personal Computer |
ALU | Arithmetic Logic Unit |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
BIPS | Billions of Instructions Per Second |
BPI | Bytes Per Inch |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
BIOS | Basic Input Output System |
OS | Operating System |
Computer Abbreviations related to Software
CAD | Microsoft Office |
Portable Document Format | |
OSS | Open Source Software |
JRE | Java Runtime Environment |
DTP | Desktop Publishing |
MS Office | MicroSoft Office |
Computer Abbreviations Related to Memory
KB | Kilo Byte |
MB | Mega Byte |
GB | Giga Byte |
TB | Tera Byte |
PB | Peta Byte |
EB | Exa Byte |
ZB | Zetta Byte |
YB | Yotta Byte |
BB | Bronto Byte |
Computer Abbreviations related to the Storage device
CD | Compact Disk |
CD-R | CD-Recordable |
CD-ROM | Compact Disk Read Only Memory |
CD-RW | CD Read/Write |
DVD | Digital Video/Versatile Disk |
Computer Abbreviations related to Networking
NIC | Network Interface Card |
WIFI | Wireless Fidelity |
LIFI | Light Fidelity |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
IP | Internet Protocol |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
TCP | Transport Control Protocol |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
DNS | Domain Name System |
TDM | Time Division Multiplexing |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
WWW | World Wide Web |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Project Agency Network |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
2G | Second-generation |
3G | Third-generation |
4G | Fourth-generation |
5G | Fifth-generation |
Computer Abbreviations related to File Extension
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group |
MPEG | Moving Pictures Experts Group |
Portable Document Format | |
PPT | PowerPoint Presentation |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format |
BMF | ByteMap Font File |
BMP | Microsoft Windows Bitmap formatted image |
3GPPP | Third Generation Partnership Project |
FLV | Flash video |
AVI | Audio Video Interleave |
Computer Abbreviations related to Computer Generation
IC | Integrated Circuit |
LSI | Large Scale Integration |
ULSI | Ultra Large Scale Integration |
VLSI | Very Large Scale Integration |
SLSI | Super Large Scale Integration |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
ENIAC | Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator |
Computer Abbreviations related to Programming language
SQL | Structured Query Language |
DBMS | Data Base Management System |
ALGOL | Formula TRANslation |
HTML | HyperText Markup Language |
Algorithmic Language | Cascading Style Sheets |
PHP | Hypertext Preprocessor |
HTTP | HyperText Transport Protocol |
FORTRAN | FORmula TRANslation |
XHTML | eXtensible HyperText Markup Language |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |
SGML | Syntax for Generalized Markup Language |
BASIC | Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code |
Computer Abbreviations related to Network Connection
WiMAX | Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network |
LAN | Local Area Network |
CAN | Campus Area Network |
PAN | Personal Area Network |
VAN | Value Added Network |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network |
SAN | Storage Area Network |
Computer Abbreviations Miscellaneous
UPC | Universal Product Code |
WEP | Wired Equivalent Privacy |
UTF | Unicode Transformation Format |
VCR | Video Cassette Recorder |
VDT | Video Display Terminal |
VGA | Video Graphics Array |
VOD | Video-On-Demand |
VoIP | Voice over Internet Protocol |
VSAT | Very Small Aperture Terminal |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
WLL | Wireless Local Loop |
WORM | Write Once Read Many |
CDC | Control Data Corporation |
CL | Command Language |
CLI | Command Line Interface |
BCD | Binary Coded Decimal |
A/D | Analog-to-Digital |
ABC | Atanasoff Berry Computer |
ACM | Association for Computing Machinery |
AMD | Advanced Micro Devices |
CAE | Computer Aided Engineering |
CASE | Global System for Mobile Communication |
CODASYL | Conference On Data Systems |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
D/A | Digital-to-Analog |
DAT | Digital Audio Tape |
DBS | Demand Based Switching |
DDL | Data Definition Language |
DDS | Digital Data Storage |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
DNA | Digital Network Architecture |
DPI | Dots Per Inch |
DRAM | Dynamic RAM |
DSN | Distributed Systems Network |
DTS | Digital Theater System |
EBCDIC | Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code |
EDSAC | Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator |
EDVAC | Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator |
EFM | Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation |
EPG | Electronic Programming Guide |
EPIC | Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory |
FAT | File Allocation Table |
FDM | Frequency Division Multiplexing |
FEP | Front End Processor |
FLOPS | Floating Point Operations Per Second |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FMS | File Management System |
FSK | Frequency Shift Keying |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
GHz | Giga Hertz |
GNU | Gnu Not Unix |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
GSM | Microsoft Disk Operating System |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
HP | Hewlett Packard |
HSS | Hierarchical Storage System |
IBM | International Business Machine |
IDN | Integrated Digital Networks |
IrDA | Infrared Data Association |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
JSP | Java Server Pages |
KHz | Kilo Hertz |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LPM | Line Per Minute |
MAR | Memory Address Register |
MBR | Memory Buffer Register |
MHz | Mega Hertz |
MIDI | Musical Instrument Digital Interface |
MIPS | Millions of Instructions Per Second |
MNP | Microcom Network Protocol |
MS-DOS | Structured English Query Language |
MVT | Multiprogramming with Variable Tasks |
NIC | Network Interface Card |
NICNET | National Informatics Center NETwork |
NOS | Network Operating System |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition |
OMR | Optical Mark Reader |
OSI | Open System Interconnection |
PDL | Program Design Language |
PDP | Program Data Processor |
PIP | Peripheral Interchange Program |
PROM | Programmable Read-Only Memory |
QoS | Quality of Service |
SDLC | Software Development Life Cycle |
SEQUEL | StriNg Oriented and Symbolic Language |
SIMM | Single In-line Memory Module |
SNA | Systems Network Architecture |
SNOBOL | String Oriented and Symbolic Language |
SRAM | Static RAM |
SSI | Small Scale Integration |
PSW | Program status word |
✅ Also See: HTML Full Form with Key Topics: All you need to Know
Previous Year MCQs on  Computer Abbreviations
Q1. WLL stands for ____ (SSC Combined Graduate Level Prelim Exam. 2007 (First Sitting)
A. Walking Land Line
B. Walking Loop Line
C. Wireless Land Line
D. Wireless in Local Loop
Q2. LAN stands for: ( SSC Combined Matric Level (PRE) Exam. 2008 (Ist Sitting)
A. Land Area Network
B. Local Area Network
C. Local Access Network
D. Local Area Netware
Q3. DTP stands for (SSC Stenographer (Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’) Exam. 09.01.2011)
A. Daily Text Printing
B. Desk Top Publishing
C. Desk Top Printing
D. Daily Text Publishing
Q4. The letter ‘G’ used in ‘2G Spectrum’ stands for: (SSC Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Exam. 16.10.2011))
A. Governance
B. Global
C. Generation
D. Google
Q5. PDA stands for __(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LCD Exam. 04.12.2011
(IInd Sitting (North Zone)
A. Personal Digital Assistant
B. Personal Development Agency
C. Personal Data Authority
D. Personal Data Array
Q6. Telnet stands for __Â (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC Exam. 09.11.2014)
A. Telephone Network
B. Television Network
C. Teletype Network
D. Telefax Network
Q7. In the field of internet, www stands for__ (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC Exam. 16.11.2014, IInd Sitting)
A. worldwide wrestling
B. World Wide Web
C. world wide WordStar
D. world without wrestling
Q8. PSW stands for __ (SSC CGL Tier-I Exam, 09.08.2015 (IInd Sitting))
A. Program status word
B. Processor status word
C. Process status word
D. Primitive status word
Q9. ROM stands for __ (SSC CGL Tier-I Re-Exam, 30.08.2015)
A. Real Office Manager
B. Read Only Memory
C. Read Only Memorandum
D. Role On Memory
Q10. The term ‘URL’ used in Internet technology stands for : (SSC Constable (GD) Exam, 04.10.2015, Ist Sitting)
A. Uniform Resource Locator
B. Unique Resource Locator
C. Uniform Remote Locator
D. Unique Remote Locator
Q11. In Networks, WEP stands for_ (SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) Exam. 30.08.2016 (Ist Sitting))
A. Wireless Equivalent Privacy
B. Wired Extra Privacy
C. Wired Equivalent Privacy
D. Wireless Embedded Privacy
Q12. WiMAX stands for__Â (SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) Exam. 04.09.2016) (IInd Sitting
A. Wireless Interoperability for Microwave Access
B. Wired Interoperability for Microwave Access
C. Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
D. Worldwide Infrastructure for Microwave Access
Computer Abbreviations PDF
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